The Christmas Calendar (Innbundet)


Siri Østli

Norwegian title: Adventskalenderen
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 352
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Adventskalenderen
ISBN/EAN: 9788202720773
Kategori: UpLit
Overview Adventskalenderen

During breakfast on a totally ordinary Tuesday, Fie's husband abruptly tells her that he wants a divorce and asks her to move out. He is a dentist, and for years Fie has, as well as being his wife, been his faithful assistant - without pay. Now she is banished to an impractical and uncharming attic apartment on the other side of the city. Dazed and in despair that her life has been turned up-side down, Fie tries to soften the blow with sedatives. Her grown-up son is embarrassed about his mother's breakdown and refuses to answer his phone.

Fie's sister Sara is the one who takes charge in the situation, demanding that Fie gets a grip. To speed things up, she gives Fie a challenging Christmas Calendar with new tasks every day leading up to Christmas, helping Fie find her footing in her new reality. And with this, despair turns into an adventurous ( and, at times, overwhelming) and pretty nice advent in the end!

The Christmas Calendar is a charming and touching Christmas book from the Norwegian queen of feelgood!

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Author Siri Østli

Siri Østli is married with five daughters and a university degree in French, Russian and Psychology. She debuted with Across Greenland in High Heels in 2009, and has since then received excellent reviews a number of feelgood novels. The Christmas Calendar is her latest book, and it takes her authorship in a more uplit direction. Østli is published in five languages.

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