Buffy By Is Feeling Adventurous (Innbundet)

A travelogue

Series: Buffy By 3


Ingeborg Arvola

Norwegian title: Buffy By er eventyrlysten
Norwegian subtitle: En reiseskildring
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 336
Illustrator: Brech, Nora
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Series: Buffy By
Serienummer: 3
ISBN/EAN: 9788202712402
Age: 9 - 12
Overview Buffy By er eventyrlysten

Buffy By – the poor girl from rich Oslo – is back! Her mum Lillie has gone into hospital and nobody knows how long she’ll have to stay there. So what’s supposed to happen to Buffy and Bobby? It turns out that Lillie’s mother, Olava, lives in Northern Norway and has graciously agreed to take in the grandchildren she has never met. But Olava isn’t your average grandmother. This is a journey and a visit that will leave none of them untouched!

The books about Buffy By are fun, clever, charming, inventive and exceptionally well written, and they tell a story that is entertaining, exciting and different.
A critically acclaimed, award-winning middle grade series that offers plenty to laugh and talk about.

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Reviews Buffy By er eventyrlysten

Typisk nord-norsk 18.09.2021

«Buffy By er eventyrlysten» er òg morosam, sorgmunter og inspirerande.

Nora Brech sine teikningar er haldne i ein karikaturliknande stil som på ein fin måte fører merksemda mot å ta livet med ein smil, i staden for å la seg trykka ned.

Hadle Oftedal Andersen, Bokmagasinet, Klassekampen

Komisk tone med bunn 25.08.2021

Det store kunststykket i Buffy By-bøkene er å finne personligheten til hovedpersonen, og å gi henne et temperament og et troverdig stemmeleie. Det klarer Ingeborg Arvola

Det er imponerende at Ingeborg Arvola putter så mye alvor inn i en roman, og likevel lykkes med å lande det hele på en stort sett ordentlig måte som både er morsom og emosjonelt engasjerende.

Det kreves mye litterært mot for å sette i gang en komedie hvor man utsetter hovedpersonene for så mange ubehagelige situasjoner. Og det kreves stort talent for å lande det på en pen måte.

Morten Haugen Olsen, Barnebokkritikk.no

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Author Ingeborg Arvola
Ingeborg Arvola (b. 1974) grew up in Pasvikdalen and Tromsø in the far north of Norway. She made her debut with the novel Korellhuset, published in 1999. She has since written a number of novels for children and adults. She has received the Cappelen Prize in 2004 and Havmannprisen in 2008. In 2019 she was awarded The Ministry of Culture Prize for Children´s Books for her novel Buffy By is Talented, a book she was also nominated to the Brage Prize for.

In 2022 The Knife in the Fire, the first book in her trilogy Songs from the Arctic Ocean, was published to great acclaim. It was awarded Best Fiction at the Brage Prize 2022, and was nominated to a number of Norway’s other most prestigious literary awards, such as the Critics Award and the Bookseller Award. It is also nominated to the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2023.

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