Buffy By is talented (Innbundet)

En selvbiografi

Series: Buffy By 1


Ingeborg Arvola

Norwegian title: Buffy By er talentfull
Norwegian subtitle: En selvbiografi
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2019
Pages: 256
Illustrator: Brech, Nora
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Series: Buffy By
Serienummer: 1
ISBN/EAN: 9788202609573
Age: 9 - 12
Overview Buffy By er talentfull
Meet Buffy By, a poor girl in rich Oslo. She's useless at ball games but naturally gifted when it comes to slalom, the world's third most expensive sport. How will it all work out?
Class 6B at Refstad School have to write their autobiographies. Buffy By would rather write about slalom – or be out practising slalom. During a free course during winter break, she turns out to be a natural talent! It's just a shame they don't have enough money for the training fees – or skis or poles or skiwear or anything else, in fact. But Buffy By doesn't let that put her down. And she always has a good idea or three.
You can't find many books about poor children in Norway these days. But here comes Buffy By's autobiography and there's nothing like it!

It’s a linguistic joy ride, with invigorating lines and playful descriptions. While entertaining and engaging the reading child, the moral project is unpacked between the lines.

Ingeborg Arvolas new series about the adventures of the poverty stricken girl Buffy By, gets a lively start and opens for many fascinating discussions about ethics and economy. (…)
Buffy By is here to stay – and that’s brilliant.

[Buffy By is talented] is both important, beautiful and unfashionable in a lovely way. The story is driven by Buffy’s wish to attend slalom camp, and the two thematic strains of poverty and absent fathers are woven together gradually and deftly. And it’s wonderful to read about a classroom without conflict once in a while.
Morten Haugen, @bokmorten

Buffy, her brother Bobby and their beautiful mother are living hand to mouth, receiving charity donations from the food bank in Oslo. Still, Buffy and her family find solutions and get by against all odds. Buffy is active, always looking for solutions, and rather unfocused. Playing soccer, she's a hazard, but she turns out to be a natural at Slalom, downhill skiing. An autobiographical school project comprises a large part of the book's clever storytelling. The literary device of letting the autobiography dictate the narrative, is very successful in a book that plays with language and genres.

The characters are rendered with wit and a keen eye. The central question driving the narrative, is how Buffy will finance the development of her unknown talent. The solution comes after a long-winded series of unexpected events, and some luck. With humour and warmth, Arvola conveys what it is like to be poor in the richest nation on earth, while the candour and vulnerability are sizzling just beneath the surface. This is amusing and riveting reading, with a broad appeal, where the central message is: Everyone is good at something. Nora Brech’s black-and-white illustrations reflect the humorous tone of the text.
Jury's statement, Norwegian Ministry of Culture Prize 2019

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Reviews Buffy By er talentfull

Årets beste barnebøker 07.12.2019

Buffy By og den vesle familien hennes er helstøpte fra første side av. De er fattige i et ellers rikt Norge, men gyver løs på hverdagene med stolt-het, humor og kjærlighet. Kompleks og klok bok om en annerledes, men bra barndom.

Kristine Isaksen, VG

Herlege bøker om Buffy By 19.03.2022

"ein herleg serie med mykje humor"

Solfrid Olmhus, Valdres

De beste bøkene fra 2019 06.12.2019

Endelige en fortelling om et vanskeligstilt barn som tenker at livet er gøy. Buffy By er Tonje Glimmerdal fra Oslo øst, og dette er hennes selvbiografi. Arvola skriver klokt, sprøtt og sårt om ei jente som har vært ute mang en vinternatt med livsmotet i behold.

Karen Frøsland Nystøyl, Vårt Land

Livet er en alvorlig sak i norske barnebøker 16.11.2019

Det som gjør Buffy til en uimotståelig barnebokvenn er ikke bare bokens ytre handling, men miljøet og stemningen. Det er lett å like miksen av et raust klassemiljø som er helt fritt for de superbitch-intrigene vi møter i mange barnebøker, og en hovedperson med naiv, ukuelig optimisme til tross for alle hendelige uhell og problemer. Og ikke minst er det fortellerstemmen som bærer gjennom små og store kriser.

Morten Olsen Haugen, Aftenposten

Fulltreffer fra Arvola 11.06.2019

Jeg tror dette må være den artigste selvbiografien jeg har lest. (...)

Ingeborg Arvola har skapt en jente det er lett å like. For Buffy tar utfordringer som Pippi Langstrømpe ville gjort det. Hun er sta, oppfinnsom og bare bittelitte grann løgnaktig. (...)

«Buffy By er talentfull» er talentfullt skrevet. Den er en real opptur å lese. Så får det heller være så som så med at realismen utfordres litt mot slutten, og at Buffy kan oppleves som i overkant optimistisk.
Nora Brech har gjennomillustrert boken. De humoristiske sort-hvitt-tegningene hennes har grepet energien i fortellingen - og de skaper rom for små pauser og refleksjon i en tekst som forøvrig er tettpakket med dialog og svært lettlest.

Anne Cathrine Straume, NRK

Pollyanna i ny versjon 03.05.2019

Språkleg svingar det godt, med friske replikkar og leikne skildringar.
Barnelesaren vil la seg underhalde og engasjere, medan det moralske prosjektet utfaldar seg mellom linjene.

Janne Karin Støylen, DAG OG TID

Hvordan man tar det 29.04.2019

Ingeborg Arvolas nye serie om fattigjenta Buffy Bys eventyr starter friskt, og åpner for mange interessante diskusjoner om moral og økonomi.
Buffy By har kommet for å bli – og godt er det.

Marius Emanuelsen, Barnebokkritikk.no

Buffy By er talentfull 24.03.2019

#buffybyertalentfull av #ingeborgarvola er både viktig, vakker og utrendy på en fin måte. Motoren i historien er Buffys ønske om å dra på slalåmleir, og de to temaene fattigdom og fraværende far blir etter hvert fint vevd sammen. Og veldig fint for en gangs skyld å lese om et klasserom uten kriger.

Morten Haugen, @bokmorten på Instagram

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Author Ingeborg Arvola
Ingeborg Arvola (b. 1974) grew up in Pasvikdalen and Tromsø in the far north of Norway. She made her debut with the novel Korellhuset, published in 1999. She has since written a number of novels for children and adults. She has received the Cappelen Prize in 2004 and Havmannprisen in 2008. In 2019 she was awarded The Ministry of Culture Prize for Children´s Books for her novel Buffy By is Talented, a book she was also nominated to the Brage Prize for.

In 2022 The Knife in the Fire, the first book in her trilogy Songs from the Arctic Ocean, was published to great acclaim. It was awarded Best Fiction at the Brage Prize 2022, and was nominated to a number of Norway’s other most prestigious literary awards, such as the Critics Award and the Bookseller Award. It is also nominated to the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2023.

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