
Dagny Thurmann-Moe

Norwegian title: Farger til folket!
Norwegian subtitle: Arkitektur, interiør, mote
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2017
Pages: 176
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202573768
Overview Farger til folket!

Did you know that gray cars crash the most and that red cars crash the least? What are colors, why do we need them and what do we use them for?

In this book, color expert Dagny Thurmann-Moe battles against an increasingly more colorless existence. She shows us how Norway has gone from being colorful and full of impressions to being a landscape of gray and white, even in the summer. She gives an introduction to what colors are, why people need colors, and what we use them for.

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Reviews Farger til folket!

"[Boken] er en vitamininnsprøytning inn i grå arkitektur, helhvite interiør og svarte klær". [...] Boken er like egnet for en novise som en fagperson, og du kan både lese den som en kunnskapsbase, eller bare bla og la deg inspirere av bildene. [...] Farger til folket er rett og slett en bra bok! Den er øyeåpnende, inspirerende og lærerik."

Anne Havåg Holter-Hovind,

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Author Dagny Thurmann-Moe

Dagny Thurmann-Moe has worked as a creative director for the chain of color shops Fargeglede, and now operates Dagny Color Studio, where she works with color and trend forecasting, lectures, and color and concept development for different brands.

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