
Marianne de Bourg

Norwegian title: Kreative bord
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2018
Pages: 208
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202565718
Kategori: Crafts and Hobbies
Overview Kreative bord

Creative tables is a book for anyone planning on welcoming their guests to a personal and creative table - and maybe even impress them a little.

The ideas presented in the book are simple and feasible for everyone. It needn't be costly or difficult, you just need the good ideas. Everything from table-cards decorated with buttons, carton egg holders used as a serving plate or a rough wooden-board as decoration to the romantic tabl can be used.

You get ideas to use things from nature or something you have in the fridge or put away in a cupboard or a drawer.
You can use the ideas provided here, but set your table in just your own style by replacing the materials and colors used in the book.

The authors main tips on setting tables are; to be creative and playful, not to follow so many rules, but to plan and make what is to be done in good time and not least to set the table the day before, so that you can truly enjoy it. A table can be set in so many ways. In Creative tables you get 150 different ideas.

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Author Marianne de Bourg

Marianne de Bourg is a blogger, stylist and freelance journalist. She is a trained decorator and has more than ten years of experience as a freelance journalist and stylist, where she has mainly worked with interior design, table setting and food. She runs the blog and uses the profile @marianndebourg on Instagram.

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