The Water´s Edge (Heftet)

Konrad Sejer #8

Series: Konrad Sejer 8


Karin Fossum

Norwegian title: Den som elsker noe annet
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2010
Pages: 240
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Series: Konrad Sejer
Serienummer: 8
ISBN/EAN: 9788202324902
Kategori: Mystery and Crime
Overview Den som elsker noe annet

A middle-aged couple out walking in the woods discover the body of a half-naked boy. To Kristine´s horror her husband, Reinhardt, begins to take photographs of the body on his mobile phone. But this proves only the beginning of his obsession with the case. Inspector Sejer is called to the scene, but he can find no immediate cause of death, nor can he uncover the identity of the agitated man that the couple saw moments before their discovery. Then a second boy goes missing and the once peaceful community is left deeply shaken.

This is the eighth book about Inspector Sejer.

An exceptionally fine story, Fossum´s real narrative appeal rests on her ability to see the humanity in even the most wretched soul.

If you´re in search of an antidote to the in-your-face energy of American crime fiction, this quiet, slender, bracingly bleak tale could well be it.

Taut, tense...The Water´s Edge can scarcely be better.

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Reviews Den som elsker noe annet

"Karin Fossum innfrir igjen."

Svein Harald Moe, Fædrelandsvennen

"En intenst menneskelig og trist roman med en historie som ikke trenger ytre virkemidler for å gjøre inntrykk."

Ole Jacob Hoel, Adresseavisen

"Hun skriver kort sagt godt."

Lars Helge Nilsen, Bergens Tidende

"Blir stående som et eksepsjonelt portrett av en forbrytelse."

Turid Larsen, Dagsavisen

"Karin Fossum har gjort det igjen, skrevet en type krim som først og fremst er båret av stor psykologisk innsikt og menneskeforståelse. Sånn sett er hun enestående her til lands."

Terje Stemland, Aftenposten

"(...)en av de uhyggeligste kriminalromanene som noen sinne er skrevet av en norsk forfatter."

Kurt Hanssen, Dagsavisen

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Author Karin Fossum

Karin Fossum (1954–) made her literary debut in 1974 with the poetry collection Maybe Tomorrow (Kanskje i morgen), for which she won the Vesaas First Writer's Award. She has published books in several genres, but is best known for her crime fiction series about Inspector Konrad Sejer. Several of her books have been filmed for the screen and TV. She has received a number of prestigious awards, including an LA Times Book Award and The Brage Prize for her novel The Indian Bride (Elskede Poona). In 2017 The Riverton Club named her Best Norwegian Crime Writer through the times!
Karin Fossum's books are translated into 34 languages.

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