Alice Lima de Faria IT WASN'T ME! SAID ROBINHOUND Robinhound has a much older brother who takes him to nursery, but Robinhound doesn't understand why he has to go to nursery every day. Everything goes a bit wrong for Robinhound. He tries to pour his own milk, but spills it over the table. He kicks his ball into the air, but predictably, Petter is standing in the way when the ball comes down again.
Everyone scolds him and no one understands that it wasn't his fault.
Alice Bjerknes Lima de Faria (1968–) is a Norwegian-Swedish scenographer and illustrator. She graduated from Gothenburg School of Design and Crafts and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, and holds a Master of Fine Art degree in Scenography. She began her work as a freelance illustrator in 2005, producing book covers and work for a range of magazines and journals.
Rights sold to: DENMARK (ABC Forlag), GERMANY (Mixtvision Verlag), KOREA (Samsung Publishing) and SWEDEN (Natur & Kultur).
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