Doppler (Innbundet)

Series: Andreas Doppler 1


Erlend Loe

Norwegian title: Doppler
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2004
Pages: 163
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Doppler
Series: Andreas Doppler
Serienummer: 1
ISBN/EAN: 9788202240677
Overview Doppler
Doppler has just lost his father. One day when he is out cycling in the woods, he falls off his bike. Semi-conscious, he notices that his head has been emptied of unnecessary noise and filled with the silence of the forest. But the fall provokes completely unexpected reactions.
Despite the fact that he has a wife and children, he moves to the woods and lives in a tent. Here he starts a lonely and ardous existence. Doppler is hungry and kills a she-elk – but that leaves him with a calf that will not let Doppler out of its sight. Gradually they become friends, both inside and outside the tent. Bongo, as the calf is called, has to carry the dried meat of his mother to the supermarket when Doppler goes to exchange the meat for skimmed milk, which he cannot live without.
Doppler is a mad, absurd and funny novel, but not without serious undertones and criticism of our modern consumer society.

‘Compelling, disquieting and perceptive prose; this novel is the latest artistic victory for the author.the novel’s great strength lies in the original dual examination of the relationship between the meaninglessness and the newly-acquired experience of the meaningful.
Adresseavisen, Norway

‘Erlend Loe’s Doppler is yet another step into utter absurdity. The result is a surrealistic contemporary criticism of the highest quality. Loe’s best book since Naïve. Super. It is most likely that a number of serious themes can be read into this book: fatherhood, the male identity crisis – and even criticism of contemporary capitalism – are some of the issues touched upon.from start to finish Doppler is one a hell of a display in the concise art of writing and a heroic campaign against the tyranny of cleverness. It is hopeless but we won’t give in!
VG, Norway

‘Linguistically there is a huge gulf between Hamsun and Loe. However, reading Doppler reminds me of Hamsun, Pan– and a few others, perhaps - Isak Sellanraa in Growth of the Soil. Hamsun’s Sellanraa won’t allow himself to be trapped by technical advancements: Erlend Loe’s Doppler withdraws from society where materialism is the only possible way forward. And when it gets too crowded, both Sellanraa and Doppler wander further into the forest away from civilisation.
Fædrelandsvennen, Norway

‘With Doppler Erlend Loe has become Norway’s most alarming writer. … This masterly understatement of a universal revolution and the boyish fascination for simple back-to-nature methods is perfect Loe.
Dagens Næringsliv, Norway

‘Shamelessly charming without intellectual fuss.’
Stavanger Aftenblad, Norway

'Wonderfully subversive, funny and original'
Observer, UK

'A darkly comic fable which makes some astringent points about the way we live today'
Independent, UK
'It gripped me from the very first page and I read the entire thing in a single day. It was unusual in that it was both powerful and entertaining; a rare combination that is difficult to pull off'
Farm Lane Books, UK
'Funny and a touch dark ... [Doppler] is like a Nordic Obi-Wan'
Big Issue, UK

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More books by Erlend Loe:

Reviews Doppler

"Loe på sitt beste." ... "Jeg har ikke vært veldig Loe-fan før, men med Doppler har han vunnet meg. Han skriver i et kortfattet, tilsynelatende enkelt norsk."

Gunhild Ramm Reistad, Drammens Tidende

"Årets latterbombe"

Steinar Sivertsen, Stavanger Aftenblad

"Medrivende, urovekkende og sansenær prosa; romanen er en ny kunstnerisk seier for forfatteren."

Stein Roll, Adresseavisen

"Erlends Loes mange fans blir neppe skuffet."

Øystein Rottem, Dagbladet

"«Doppler» inneholder en viss kritikk av vår tids prestisjefokus og ærgjerrighet, men den handler først og fremst om en personlig krise. En del absurde innslag gjør den ganske morsom, og den fomlete måten Doppler forteller om sine problemer på, gir boka et humoristisk og underfundig preg."

Jørgen Alnæs, Dagsavisen

"Med «Doppler» gjør Erlend Loe seg til landets mest skremmende forfatter".

Bjørn Gabrielsen, Dagens Næringsliv

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Author Erlend Loe

Erlend Loe is one of the most beloved and popular authors in Norway. He was born in 1969 in Trondheim, Norway, and studied folklore, film studies and literature at university. He made his debut with the novel Frankly, my dear (Tatt av kvinnen) in 1993, for which he received raving reviews. In 1996 came Naiv. Super, his big break through in Norway and internationally. It has been called the novel of his generation. His novel Doppler, which came out in 2004, has been critically acclaimed for it's depiction of the modern man, and The Guardian named it 'Book of the Year'. He is a productive author, and writes books both for adults and children. His books about Kurt have been a huge success, and have also been turned into an animated film. The books have been published in thirty-nine countries so far.

He lives in Oslo and enjoys biking.

  • 1996 Ministry of Cultural Affairs Prize for Den store røde hunden (The Big Red Dog), children's picture book, Illustrated by Kim Hiorthøy.
  • 1997 The Cappelen Award
  • 1998 The Critics Prize for Kurt Quo Vadis?, illustrated children’s novel, children’s book.
  • 1999 The Bookseller Award for L (L).
  • 2006 The French Prix Européen des Jeunes Lecteurs for Naiv.Super. (Naïve.Super.).
  • 2006 The French Tam-tam Prize for Fisken (The Fish), children’s book.
  • 2010 De Grote Jongerenliteratuur Prijs (the Netherlands) for Muleum (Muleum)
  • 2013 The Aschehoug Award
  • 2016 the Liv Ullman Prize
  • 2022 BolognaRagazzi Award - COMICS Early Reader - for Hvem rumpet brunosten? (Who buttocked the brown cheese?)

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