Double Life (Innbundet)

Foreword by Audun Vinger


Eivind Buene

Norwegian title: Dobbeltliv
Norwegian subtitle: forord av Audun Vinger
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2014
Pages: 256
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202439859
Overview Dobbeltliv

Eivind Buene picks up musical threads from the novels Enmannsorkester and Allsang, and takes them further in a collection of literary essays.

These texts listen, investigate and postulate, but most of all, they ask questions. What can music teach us about slowness? What stories can Glenn Gould's piano stool tell? Why do we talk about writing a song? What does a Norwegian novel sound like – and what is it about Gustav Mahler?

‘After reading this I feel much smarter and more sensitive.’

Thoughtful and well-written novel about music and literature, and the relationship between them.’

‘... and I find myself hoping that Buene will be invited to lecture on music in Norwegian schools.’

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More books by Eivind Buene:

Reviews Dobbeltliv

"Etter endt lesning føler jeg meg klokere, mer følsom, mangfoldiggjort."

Ellef Prestsæter, Klassekampen

"Reflektert og velskrevet om musikk og litteratur, og forholdet mellom dem."

Sigmund Jensen, Stavanger Aftenblad

.."Aha-opplevelsene kommer tett når komponisten Eivind Buene kobler sammen musikk og litteratur

"(...) og jeg tar meg selv i å ønske at Buene får i oppdrag å holde musikkforedrag i det norske skoleverket."

Knut Hoem, P2

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Author Eivind Buene

Eivind Buene (1973-) studied composition and pedagogy at the Norwegian Academy of Music. He has been a permanent composer at the Oslo Sinfonietta and Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra, and is a renowned Modern Composer. One Man Band (Enmannsorkester), published in 2010 was his first novel. He has since published three more novels, all of them acclaimed by the Norwegian Critics.

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