The Drone Catcher (Innbundet)


Øyvind Torseter

Norwegian title: Dronefangeren
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2023
Pages: 152
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202786021
Age: 8 - 99
Overview Dronefangeren

On a small island lives the Mule Boy. He receives a warning about a catastrophe and locks himself inside his house. The rats have taken over the city.

Should he escape, or should he stay put? After consideration, he bravely ventures out into the empty streets, where he finds someone who’s part of the resistance.

An adventurous, apocalyptic action-filled story about isolation, being daring and giant rats.

The Drone Catcher is the fifth book about Mule Boy, a series of graphic novels that blend myth, adventure and social commentary, in text and images. Mule Boy’s skewed and somewhat alienated universe enables us to see ourselves and our society with fresh eyes.

Allowing plenty of time is recommended: Between Torseter's covers there is - in every way - so much going on that his broad pages are a joy to turn.

[The book] is large and thick, but it is wise to give yourself plenty of time on each page, to study the details. This is where the experience lies - and the opportunity to supplement with your own associations and reflections. This applies to both adult readers and children.

Torseter stands firm in its art form. The overview images are colourful, intricate and detailed, while the close-ups and individual scenes are simple and immediate, with black ink and a white background. This contrasting alternation creates a good flow in the narrative.

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Reviews Dronefangeren

Rottefangeren med droner 10.06.2023

Ifølge forlaget er bokens målgruppe alle mellom åtte og 99 år. De yngste vil trolig grøsse av det fartsfylte, ofte groteske dramaet, men for en voksen leser er det tegningene mer enn historien som fascinerer. Torseters glede ved å gi form til detaljrike rom og bygningene de danner, er som så ofte hos kunstneren særlig slående.

Å sette av god tid anbefales: Mellom Torseters permer foregår det – på alle måter – så mye at de brede sidene hans er en fryd å vende.

Kåre Bulie, Bokmagasinet, Klassekampen

Fantasi på ramme alvor 16.06.2023

[Boka] er stor og tykk, men man gjør klokt i å gi seg god tid på hver side, for å studere detaljene. Det er der opplevelsen ligger – og muligheten til å supplere med egne assosiasjoner og refleksjoner. Det gjelder både voksne lesere og barn.

Marianne Lystrup, Vårt Land

Apokalypse nå 16.06.2023

Torseter står stødig i sitt formspråk. Oversiktsbildene er fargerike, intrikate og detaljerte, mens nærbildene og enkeltscene er enkle og umiddelbare, med sort tusj og hvit bakgrunn. Denne kontrasterende vekslingen skaper en god flyt i fortellingen.

Ruth Hege Halstensen, Barnebokkritikk

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Author Øyvind Torseter

Øyvind Torseter (1972–) is one of Norway's most well-known and award-winning authors and illustrators. He has produced books such as Detours (Avstikkere), The Hole (Hullet) and Mule Boy (Mulegutten). He has won a number of Norwegian and international prizes. For Detours he was awarded the Year’s Most Beautiful Book Prize and the most distinguished honour for children’s books, The Bologna Ragazzi Award. The Hole earned him the prestigious French Prix Jeune Alber, and also won him the Norwegian prize for The Year’s Most Beautiful Book in 2013. Mule Boy was nominated to the Nordic Councils Childrens Book Prize in 2016.

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