BIG FIVE (Innbundet)


Erlend Loe

Norwegian title: Dyrene i Afrika
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2018
Pages: 336
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Dyrene i Afrika
ISBN/EAN: 9788202598891
Overview Dyrene i Afrika

Five individuals – a dentist, a biologist, a film editor, an author and a police detective – feel attractions and inclinations without knowing where these come from.
They undergo a process of radicalisation and eventually realise that if the world is to survive, someone needs to take a stand. Big Five is a story about powerlessness, activism, non-conformance, and unbridled passion.
Erlend Loe excels throughout the novel with his laconic and good-humored storytelling. He parodies modern therapeutic and organizational language in a superb way.
Erlend Loe knows what he is making fun of. The swinging between the crazy and the serious, between wise thoughts about conservationism and Africa tourism of the quant sort, leopard fetishism on the ferry to Denmark, sodomy on Kenyan soil, a guitar playing wife, a husband that turns gay, the loss of an arm, a leg, a life – it is all there in this Loe-ish circus of seriousness and nonsense.
A splendid satire over misguided idealism and everyday life in the society of today. Erlend Loe is something as rare as a genuine humorist. Like all comical talents of this level, he builds his slapstick on a foundation of serious engagement. In his surrealist ingenuity, he sprinkles thought provoking points all around.
I have not laughed as much through three hundred pages – since the last book by Erlend Loe!
In this book Loe shares exquisite humour, elegant irony and situation comedy, as well as an oblique glance at phenomenons of our time. It is great entertainment; intelligent and subtle humour the way that only Loe knows how to write. I think this book will be one of this years most notable books, when time comes to sum it all up at the end of the year.
Erlend Loe’s new novel, BIG FIVE, might have hit a debate that is too painful for us to want to talk about it. The book is characterised by Loe’s wry observation and language skills, and is very funny.
Loe´s humour and original way to look at human characteristics are very much present in this novel.

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More books by Erlend Loe:

Reviews Dyrene i Afrika

Bisart om sex med dyr 23.10.2018

«[...] Erlend Loe vet hva han tuller med. Pendlingen mellom det sprøe og det seriøse, mellom kloke naturverntanker og afrikaturisme av det aparte slaget, leopardfetisjisme på danskebåten, sodomi på kenyansk jord, en gitarspillende kone, en ektemann som blir homo, tapet av en arm, et bein, et liv - alt hører med i det loeske sirkuset av alvor og skjemt.»

Steinar Sivertsen, Stavanger Aftenbald

«(...) en glimrende satire over skakkjørt idealisme og dagliglivet i dagens samfunn. (...) Erlend Loe er noe så sjeldent som en genuin humorist. Som alle komiske talenter av klasse bygger han sin slapstick på et seriøst engasjement. I all sin surrealistiske oppfinnsomhet strør han omkring seg med tankevekkende poenger.»

Fredrik Wandrup, Dagbladet

Herlig humørpille mot gravalvor 20.09.2018

«Jeg har ikke ledd så mye i løpet av tre hundre sider, siden den forrige boken til Loe!»

Stein Roll, Adresseavisen

Sextur på savannen 19.09.2018

«Erlend Loe eksellerer gjennom hele boken med sin både lakoniske og godlynte humor. Han parodierer moderne terapi- og organisasjonsspråk på det aller mest suverene, han viser oss hulheten i alle frasene vi kler våre virkelige intensjoner inn i, og han sørger for å ivareta den nødvendige dosen absurdisme.

Erlend Loe har en lekende fantasi og et språklig overskudd som gir ham en helt egen plass i den norske bokheimen.»

Sindre Hovdenakk, VG

Thorbjørn Egner for vaksne 12.10.2018

«Her slår Loe om seg med utsøkt humor og elegant ironi, situasjonskomikk og eit skrått blikk på ulike tidsfenomen [...] topp underhaldning, intelligent og subtil humor slik berre Erlend Loe kan turnere det, og eg innbiller meg at denne romanen vil bli ei av årets bøker når det blir oppsummert før jul.»

Oddmund Hagen, Dag og Tid

«Erlend Loes nye roman, Dyrene i Afrika, kan ha truffet en debatt som er for vond til at vi ønsker å snakke om det. (...) Boken preges blant annet av Loes skjeve observasjonsevne og språklige teft, og er riktig morsom.»

Bjørn Gabrielsen, Dagens Næringsliv

«Karakterene til Loe er som sedvanlig lekent skildret, med selvbedrag, pinlige tanker og brister i personligheten. Han tar våre sosiale spill på kornet, hvordan vi pynter på virkeligheten, for å framstå bedre for oss selv og andre, og hvordan vi rasjonaliserer bort både humanisme og verdighet.»

Torborg Igland, Fædrelandsvennen

Ikkje føkk med naturen 20.09.2018

«[...] Loes humor og blikk for menneskelege særdrag er rikeleg til stades i romanen.»

Marta Norheim, NRK

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Author Erlend Loe

Erlend Loe is one of the most beloved and popular authors in Norway. He was born in 1969 in Trondheim, Norway, and studied folklore, film studies and literature at university. He made his debut with the novel Frankly, my dear (Tatt av kvinnen) in 1993, for which he received raving reviews. In 1996 came Naiv. Super, his big break through in Norway and internationally. It has been called the novel of his generation. His novel Doppler, which came out in 2004, has been critically acclaimed for it's depiction of the modern man, and The Guardian named it 'Book of the Year'. He is a productive author, and writes books both for adults and children. His books about Kurt have been a huge success, and have also been turned into an animated film. The books have been published in thirty-nine countries so far.

He lives in Oslo and enjoys biking.

  • 1996 Ministry of Cultural Affairs Prize for Den store røde hunden (The Big Red Dog), children's picture book, Illustrated by Kim Hiorthøy.
  • 1997 The Cappelen Award
  • 1998 The Critics Prize for Kurt Quo Vadis?, illustrated children’s novel, children’s book.
  • 1999 The Bookseller Award for L (L).
  • 2006 The French Prix Européen des Jeunes Lecteurs for Naiv.Super. (Naïve.Super.).
  • 2006 The French Tam-tam Prize for Fisken (The Fish), children’s book.
  • 2010 De Grote Jongerenliteratuur Prijs (the Netherlands) for Muleum (Muleum)
  • 2013 The Aschehoug Award
  • 2016 the Liv Ullman Prize
  • 2022 BolognaRagazzi Award - COMICS Early Reader - for Hvem rumpet brunosten? (Who buttocked the brown cheese?)

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Foreign rights

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