Edel (Innbundet)

Series:  463


Nora Aschim

Norwegian title: Edel
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 112
Publisher: Flamme Forlag
Språk: Nynorsk
Originaltittel: Edel
Serienummer: 463
ISBN/EAN: 9788282884549
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Edel

Edel is a moving portait of a woman in the after-war-generation of Norway. A woman with a simple goal in life: To move away from home. And to do this she needs a man - and eventually: children. Edel finds a man. And has two children. And she should be happy. Life in place and perfect. Like a quiet lake in a breathtaking landscape. It is just that the quiet lake is so deep. And down there, without moving, a monster lives.

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