A Good Decision (Innbundet)

Seven Steps Towards the Right Choice


Nils Tore Meland

Norwegian title: En god beslutning
Norwegian subtitle: 7 grep for å velge rett
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2015
Pages: 160
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: En god beslutning
ISBN/EAN: 9788202475741
Kategori: Self Help
Overview En god beslutning

Why did I buy a flat with a balcony when I really needed a garage? Which candidate shall I employ? Do we need a turnaround at work? Should I set up this project?

These are important questions with major consequences. Decisions are to do with making choices and putting an end to uncertainty and doubt. Unfortunately, an overwhelming mass of good research indicates that more than half of all our decisions turn out badly. Most of us think that it is difficult to make complex choices which involve risk and serious consequences. We put off and wait, or we just leave things as they are. We base our decisions on too much, too little or incorrect information. So we identify too few possibilities and propose inadequate solutions. Or we simply solve the wrong problem. Those who use a little more time, especially at the start of the decision process, identify more opportunities and formulate better solutions. In the whole process they make quicker and better choices, up to six times better in fact.

Good decision-making can be both learned and practised to a high standard, and the process can be both exciting and fun. This book will give you seven practical steps towards better decision-making.

’A superbly good book about decision-making. An example for future authors of non-fiction’
Elin Ørjaseter

’ … one of the year’s most exciting Norwegian books on management’
HR Norge

’… a fantastic book for all who want to develop their skills at making better decisions … which many will get great benefit from reading.’
Hans-Petter Nygård-Hansen

’some of the best I have read on the subject. The book is so elegantly written that the main message never becomes boring.’
Edvard Noer Bjørge

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Reviews En god beslutning

«Knallgod bok om å ta beslutninger. Eksempel til etterfølgelse for fagbokforfattere»

Elin Ørjaseter

«...en av årets mest spennende lederbøker på norsk»

Even Bolstad, HR Norge

«(…) en fantastisk bok for alle beslutningstakere som vil bli flinkere til å fatte bedre beslutninger (…) som veldig mange vil få stort utbytte av å lese.»

Hans-Petter Nygård-Hansen

«(…) noe av det beste jeg har lest om emnet. Boka er så elegant skrevet at hovedbudskapet aldri blir kjedelig»

Edvard Noer Bjørge

«Engasjerende og leservennlig måte å skrive på»

Piotr Pluta, Human Factors AS

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