ENGLISH FOG (Innbundet)


Frederik Svindland

Norwegian title: Engelsk tåke
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2018
Pages: 96
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202581503
Overview Engelsk tåke
‘The best debut of 2016!’ ‘Caught me totally off-guard.’ ‘Startling.’ Winner of the 2017 Saabye Scholarship. Nominated for the Tarjei Vesaas debutant prize.
English Fog continues in the same vein after Pelargonia. This year's novel addresses young adulthood, and recounts a father's challenges in the face of old age. The story is expressed in language that contains both hopefulness and sorrow.

‘… the follow-up English Fog shows a language and literary talent out of the ordinary. (…) With these two short and thorough novels Svindland will be acknowledged as a different voice in contemporary literature. Svindland does not yell loudly, but sees clearly, and he can describe a sunset with stunning beauty.’


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Reviews Engelsk tåke

«Frederik Svindland hyllar med overtyding det store i det vesle og unnselege.»

«... oppfølgjaren Engelsk tåke viser eit språkleg og litterært talent utanom det vanlege.»

«Med desse to korte og stilreine romanane vil Svindland bli lagd merke til som ei litt annleis stemme i samtidslitteraturen. Svindland ropar ikkje høgt, men ser klart, og han kan skildre ein solnedgang bedøvande vakkert.»

Oddmund Hagen, Dag og Tid

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Author Frederik Svindland

Frederik Svindland (1985–) grew up in Porsgrunn. He has studied at the School of Creative Writing in Bø. He made his debut with the novel Pelargona in 2016, which he was nominated to the Tarjei Vesaas First Writers Award for. In 2017 he was awarded the Saabye Christensen Grant.

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