There Is Still Time (Innbundet)


Tora Ørdal Mikkelborg

Norwegian title: Ennå er det tid
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2015
Pages: 280
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202480448
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Ennå er det tid

All of the short stories in Ennå er det tid are unique in their own way. The writing is monologic and switches between spoken and everyday language. The purpose of the short stories is not primarily to tell stories – it is the atmosphere, emotions, main character's anger and thought processes, and generally the relationship between inner experience and the outside world that preoccupies the author. That is why the plot aspect is often simple and uncompounded, and often retrospective or suggestive in form.

The short stories in Ennå er det tid are told from a subjective perspective in each text, something that gives a fluent and somewhat associate narrative. All of the short stories can be said to feature a kind of pain caused by deceased or absent persons.

The main characters in the texts are almost consumed or “haunted” by other people and previous experiences of loss. They also often find themselves in an isolated or marginalised situation such as being in an institution, consumed by grief, alone with imaginary people or excluded from social interaction.

The author has a keen sense of what it means to be destructive or marginalised, and writes a sense of human shelteredness and distance that is able to touch and fascinate. With Ennå er det tid, Tore Ørdal Mikkelborg has written an exciting and unique collection of short stories.

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Reviews Ennå er det tid

"Det er overbevisende gjort"

Sigmund Jensen, Stavanger Aftenblad

"Dette er ikke behagelige tekster, men de griper leseren og gir oss mulighet til å utforske menneskelige erfaringer som vi normalt kanskje ikke har tilgang til. (...) Mikkelborg overbeviser språklig, med til dels utsøkte formuleringer og bilder. Jeg gleder meg til å følge henne videre."

Guro Havrevold, Fredriksstad Blad

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