Andreas lives a peaceful life as an academic and philosopher. One winter’s night his life suddenly changes direction completely. A few days later he is imprisoned, convicted for murder. What happened? Why did it happen?
Through his experiences we are invited to imagine what it is like to be locked up in a cell and left all alone with one’s pain. In Imprisoned we get to know prisons from the point of view of the prisoner, and we get an insight into an institution which appears to be neither humane or caring, but rather hostile and destructive. It’s also a deeply personal story about evil, relations, and hope. How can someone live with themselves after ending someone’s life? Is there a possible way to return to oneself, and to society?
Imprisoned is a book about Andreas’s encounter with the harsh and foreign reality of prisons and his long journey through self-righteousness, bitterness, acknowledgment, remorse, and reconciliation.
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