Merry Christmas! (Innbundet)

Parties and Celebrations


Gudny Ingebjørg Hagen

Norwegian title: Fest og feiring God jul!
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2016
Pages: 40
Illustrator: Piotrowska, Malgorzata
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202548391
Kategori: Children's Books
Age: 3 - 10
Curriculum: Rammeplan for barnehager 2006
Fag: Etikk, religion og filosofi, KRLE
Overview Fest og feiring God jul!

Dina and Damian live next door to one another and call themselves “two nice guys”. On Christmas Eve, they’re each going to be in their own church’s Christmas play. Dina is excited, but why is it so dark and quiet in the house? The book depicts how many people in Norway prepare for and celebrate Christmas.

The winner of the Brage Prize 2016, open class category: Nonfiction for children and young adults!

Parties and Celebrations consists of five books that show how a central religious festival from world religions Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism is celebrated by today’s families with young children.

The series won the Brage Prize 2016 in the open class category: nonfiction for children.

The jury’s reasoning for the awarding of the Brage Prize 2016:

Parties and Celebrations is a large and elaborate work that elevates the richness of cultural diversity. Describing major world religions with the biggest celebrations as an entry point is both prudent and practical when keeping in mind everyday life in kindergartens and schools. The five volumes are devoted to each religion, each with its own family and its own protagonist. The simple stories the facts are woven into are straightforward, but also contain moments of tension that are superbly adapted to the oldest kindergarteners and the youngest elementary schoolchildren. Illustrator Piotrowska expresses himself with warm colors, joyful strokes and compositions that allow the reader to constantly discover something new. The books appear aesthetically as beautiful cornucopias with a wealth of informative details. The series supports integration in practice, without it being forced upon the reader. This artistic and educational work emerges as a result of a particularly fruitful collaboration between writer and illustrator.

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