Before They Disappear (Innbundet)

An Attempt to Understand What Children Are


Birger Emanuelsen

Norwegian title: Før de forsvinner
Norwegian subtitle: Et forsøk på å forstå hva barn er
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2024
Pages: 286
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Før de forsvinner
ISBN/EAN: 9788202822231
Kategori: Narrative Non-fiction
Overview Før de forsvinner

Are our children small wonders and mysteries or just stepping stones to adulthood? How have we perceived and treated children throughout history? And how can we get closer to our own children before they grow up?

Birger Emanuelsen investigates and explores our perceptions of children. Through a wealth of sources, he writes about the value and importance of children, how we decide how to treat them, and what it really means to be a parent.

Before they dieappear is a well-informed documentary novel about the responsibility parents have to prepare their children for the world, and how they can approach doing this. But it is also an up close and personal tale about one of the most fundamental questions of life: What is a child?

«An enriching and thought-provoking book»

Child-rearing for connoisseurs
«This is for those of you who can't stand another banal self-help book.»

Moving book
«Birger Emanuelsen has written a poetic and scholarly book about childhood.»

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Reviews Før de forsvinner

Så mye hadde jeg 17.02.2024

«En berikende og tankevekkende bok»

Silje Bekeng-Flemmen, Klassekampen

«En sterk leseopplevelse»

Valerie Kubens, Sørlandsbok

Barneoppdragelse for feinschmeckere 08.02.2024

«Dette er for deg som ikke orker flere banale selvhjelpsbøker.»

Ivar Dale, Vårt Land

Bevegende bok 09.02.2024

«Birger Emanuelsen har skrevet en poetisk og lærd bok om barndommen.»

Willy Pedersen, Morgenbladet

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Author Birger Emanuelsen

Birger Emanuelsen (b. 1982) is an award-winning author. His debut came in 2012, and since then he has written many books. He has a background as a consultant for Doctors without Border, as a journalist, fiction editor and a speech writer for the Norwegian government.

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