Friction (Innbundet)

How to Mobilize the Dissenting Voices and Create Miracles of Cooperation


Øyvind Kvalnes

Norwegian title: Friksjon
Norwegian subtitle: Hvordan mobilisere motstemmer og skape samarbeidsmirakler
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2025
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202862053
Kategori: Narrative Non-fiction
Overview Friksjon

Friction is the form of dissent which leads to better decisions and results.

Friction is a social phenomenon. It occurs everywhere humans meet. It provides useful resistance, and handling friction in a good way is crucial to avoid an argument escalating into a conflict leading to crimes or large lawyer’s bills. Through this book the reader becomes better equipped to understand what friction really means, why we need it and what is needed in order to mobilize the friction and keep things on the right keel.

Friction is necessary to achieve good and correct results and decisions. Through current conflicts and examples from science, philosopher Øyvind Kvalnes shows how important voices of dissent are in order to achieve a good result. Without opposite opinions and dissent we cannot learn anything. This is however a power that needs to be controlled. Boundless friction can be scary and paralyze people from fear.

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Author Øyvind Kvalnes

Øyvind Kvalnes (b. 1963) is an author, moral philosopher and lecturer. He is Senior Lecturer at The Institute of Leadership and Organisation at Norwegian Business School BI, and he lives in Oslo.

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