Gooseberry Sisters (Innbundet)


Siri Østli

Norwegian title: Stikkelsbærsøstre
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2015
Pages: 320
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202470845
Kategori: UpLit
Overview Stikkelsbærsøstre

Sisters Marilyn and Marlene are both named after Hollywood stars. But that is where the similarity ends.

Marlene is the one with her life in perfect control – anything from fashion and her house to her life partner and ovulation. Still it is the enchanting 'My' who finds it easier to make friends – and have children.

My's seemingly perfect life has just imploded. Her husband slept with the nanny, and now she’s left both him and her home. She's also lost her self-confidence. With her daughter Amanda, My has moved back in with her mother. There, My has to deal with journalists and gossipers, the helpless pony-tail-man who's her mother latest project, and the child protection services. But she also learns the importance of having a sister, and how to stand up straight when everything around her falls to pieces.

Charming and well-written!
This is a charming book, easy to read, funny and well-written. It has a colourful character gallery and just the right amount of complications. I am again struck by how brilliantly Siri Østli masters this genre.

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Reviews Stikkelsbærsøstre

«Veldig god underholdning … en krysning mellom Bridget Jones’ dagbok og Sex and the City.» Oppland Arbeiderblad
«Hun skriver proft og godt. Boka er underholdende og har driv. Av årets debutanter tipper jeg hun kommer til å selge best.» Dagbladet
«Siri Østli skriver underholdende om by og land, østkant og vestkant. Dette er feelgood så det holder.» Bergensavisen
«Den tåler godt å bli sammenliknet med Anne B. Ragdes Berlinerpopler-trilogi. Her sitter alt som et skudd.» Dagbladet
«Denne romanen er som den søteste kaka du spiser i år. Mens du ler.» VG

Cappelen Damm

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Author Siri Østli

Siri Østli is married with five daughters and a university degree in French, Russian and Psychology. She debuted with Across Greenland in High Heels in 2009, and has since then received excellent reviews a number of feelgood novels. The Christmas Calendar is her latest book, and it takes her authorship in a more uplit direction. Østli is published in five languages.

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