Høgare enn sola (Innbundet)


Geir Olav Jørgensen

Norwegian title: Høgare enn sola
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2013
Pages: 208
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Nynorsk
ISBN/EAN: 9788202419295
Overview Høgare enn sola

The novel begins with the male first-person narrator receiving an unexpected email from an American called Eliot. It instantly brings back memories of the summer of 1997. That was the summer when he returned home after a long journey. He had called his mother from the quayside. ‘I asked my mother if she would pick me up and she couldn’t say no to me, I was the prodigal son.’

Good food, a clean bed and clean clothes are ready for him, but the summer is going to turn out to be quite different from any other. Two friends, Eliot the American and Aaron the Jew, are on their way to his part of the country. They come across an empty house in the forest and move in. Eliot has brought with him a bag full of strong intoxicating stuff. The goal is intoxication, overwhelming and mind-changing.

Many have written about ‘blowing your mind’, but few have succeeded as well as Jørgensen in this book. He also writes brilliantly about the unexpected and irresponsible state of mind that goes with intoxication. This is an uncompromising novel that searches for transgression, for the boundaries where space, talking, music-making and events coalesce into a whole.

‘... the sorrow crushing them is depicted in such an intensely beautiful way that it paints a sky over their lives and the narrator sees ‘a glorious everyday’. Høgare enn sola is Geir Olav Jørgensen’s fourth novel. It sets the foundations for something which is in the process of becoming an interesting authorship.’

'Høgare enn sola is frightening, and beautiful. Also, it provides insights into an understanding of reality and a search for something else.’

‘The moving descriptions of love, sorrow and loss, and new hope, make Høgare enn sola rise above most of the Norwegian novels I read in 2013.’

'...here is an author whose publications are worth following.'

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Reviews Høgare enn sola

"Høgare enn sola er skremmende, og vakker, den gir og innblikk i en virkelighetsoppfatning og en søken etter noe annet."

Anne Schäffer, Bergens Tidende

"Og han får det til. Langt på veg er dette ein roman om vennskap mellom menn med ulike bakgrunnar, men sentrerest om kvinne og barn. Dei rørande skildringane av kjærleik, sorg og tap, og ny von, løftar Høgare enn sola over dei fleste norske romanane eg las i 2013."

Jan Askelund, Stavanger Aftenblad

"(...)sorga som knuser dei, er skildra så intenst vakkert at det kvelver ein himmel over liva deira, og forteljaren «ser ein kvardag som har glorie». Høgare enn sola er den fjerde romanen til Geir Olav Jørgensen. Dei dannar grunnmuren i noko som er i ferd med å bli ein interessan forfattarskap."

Oddmund Hagen, Dag og Tid

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Author Geir Olav Jørgensen

Geir Olav Jørgensen (1971–) In the years between 1993 and 2000 he was mostly traveling the world, visiting 27 countries on nearly every continent. He has lived in Amsterdam, New York and Berlin. In 2006 he made his literary début with the novel Mono. He has since published several acclaimed novels. His fifth novel, Marathon Berlin, was published in 2015.

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