How to grow fruits and berries (Heftet)


Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg

Norwegian title: Dyrk frukt og bær
Author: og
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2019
Pages: 104
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202608484
Overview Dyrk frukt og bær


Do you dream of growing fruit and berries? Here are some tips and inspiration to grow your favourite crops, whether you prefer apples, plums, blackcurrants or currants, or more exotic fruits like apricot, peach and mini kiwi. You don’t need a large garden to grow fruit and berries, some varieties thrive well in little space. Good advice on selecting varieties, placement, planting, fertilizing and pruning makes it easy to succeed in cultivation.

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More books by Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg:

Author Kenneth Ingebretsen

Tommy Tønsberg's (1980–) interest in gardening was already evident at an early age: as a schoolboy he often spent his entire allowance at the nursery. Today he tends a small but lush garden on the outskirts of Oslo, and is the editor of Norsk Hagetidend, the magazine for members of the Gardeners’ Association. He is also a popular guest speaker.

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