Hyttebok (Innbundet)

Series:  503


Ole-Petter Arneberg

Norwegian title: Hyttebok
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2023
Pages: 144
Publisher: Flamme Forlag
Språk: Bokmål
Serienummer: 503
ISBN/EAN: 9788282885287
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Hyttebok

Cabin Book is not your typical cabin book, since it’s written by an artificial intelligence. Tusse is a prototype of the newest within comfort, not quite an android, but a cute, Norwegian, highly technological little troll – a tusse designed exclusively for the sake of cabin coziness. After Tusse has taken care of old grandma Gomo towards the end of her simple life in the mountains, the looming expansion of the cabin begins. The tech entrepreneur Per Eyde takes over the family cabin and puts a new generation at work with exaggerated upgrades. It seems like they have lost all contact with nature. Tusse nonetheless has a heartfelt, deep desire to show the humans how to find their way back to a proud, Norwegian cabin tradition. In their writings in the cabin book, Tusse talks about why it’s necessary to fell the family tree – to implement a sort of degrowth. This Easter offers anything but cabin coziness, as every day brings with it terrible challenges.

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Reviews Hyttebok

"Ole-Petter Arneberg tek KI inn i norsk hytteliv. Resultatet er ei original blanding av splatter og satire. (...) Det som gjer Hyttebok til noko for seg sjølv, er det absurde, det groteske og det komiske (...) Mens debatten om kunstig intelligens går høgt blant ekspertar og folk flest, er det forfriskande med ein roman som tek fatt i fenomenet og skrur det inn i heilt andre sjangrar enn dystopien, utan å misse alvoret fullstendig av syne."

Marta Norheim, NRK.no

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