If You Lie (Innbundet)


Thomas Marco Blatt

Norwegian title: Hvis du lyver
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2014
Pages: 144
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202429850
Age: 10 - 13
Overview Hvis du lyver

Thomas Marco Blatt, winner of the Tarjei Vesaas Debutant Prize, has written a beautiful and crystal clear examination of the all-consuming experience of first love. Protagonist Klara isn't in love with Matias, like everybody thinks, but her neighbour Sofie, two years her senior.

Without verging on the speculative, Blatt lays the foundations for an enterprising narrative about first love with additional challenges. This is a universal story about the dawn of love's existence for any individual, and the fact that every gain made in adulthood is met with a loss of childhood.

‘Writing for children is not a problem for Blatt. His telling of Klara’s story is as neat as it is nimble. … A recent visit to the local book shop revealed that mystery and fantasy books are dominating the shelves. I won’t say a word against this genre, but children need variation. Not everyone likes ghosts and magic. Hvis du lyver is a welcome addition. This is an open and easily read story about love which is neither raucous nor speculative.’

Beautiful and important
‘Finally! A novel with homosexuality as its theme without lengthy self-examinations and subsequent identity crises. […] Klara’s fascination for the tough team goalkeeper donned in dungarees shot with holes seems heartfelt. A series of dreams underline the fact that the love that exists within her is deep and natural. Equally believable is the social pressure that forces her to choose a boyfriend, a role adopted by her best friend Matias. […] Blatt has authored a unique book. […] He has succeeded in capturing Klara’s struggle to have her feelings taken seriously and has transformed this into a universal tale of first love.’


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Reviews Hvis du lyver

Klara elsker Sofie

" Å skrive for barn byr ikke på problemer for Blatt. Ryddig og lettbent formidler han historien om Klara. [...] Den [Hvis du lyver] er en åpen og lettlest fortelling om forelskelse. Innholdsmessig er den verken støyende eller spekulativ."

Maya Troberg Djuve, Dagbladet

Vakkert og viktig

"Endelig får vi en roman med homofili som tema uten lange selvransakelser med påfølgende identitetskrise. [...] Klaras fascinasjon for denne tøffe fotballkeeperen med de hullete dongeribuksene virker ektefølt. Et par drømmer understreker at forelskelsen er noe som ligger dypt og naturlig hos henne. Like troverdig er det sosiale presset som får henne til å velge å bli kjæreste med bestekompisen Matias. [...] Blatt har skrevet en unik bok. [...] Blatt lykkes med å gjøre Klaras kamp for å ta følelsene sine på alvor til en universell fortelling om den første forelskelsen."

Guri Fjeldberg, Barnebokkritikk.no

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