Christmas Letter (Ukjent)


Kjersti Herland Johnsen

Norwegian title: Julebrev
Binding: Ukjent
Pages: 287
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788233417178
Overview Julebrev

Linda has always had sole care for her son Brage, and she's worked hard to ensure that he had a safer and better childhood than she herself had. As Christmas approaches, traditions and rituals become very important to Linda. She's planned everything carefully, so that Brage will experience the perfect Christmas! But then, out of the blue, Brage's father appears and wants to take his son on a cruise in the Caribbean.

Around the same time, mysterious letters start to appear in Linda's mailbox, from someone she doesn't know – but whoever it is, they seem to know her. December suddenly becomes filled with chaos and concern, and difficult memories from her past arises. But help may appear from somewhere she didn't expect... A Christmas where nothing happens as planned, may still turn out perfect.

Christmas letter is a book full of friendship, romance, music, motherhood, life and death and Norwegian Christmas traditions. The book has 24 chapters, a chapter for each day from 1st to 24th of December, and can be read as an advent calendar.

«Has all the elements of a good feel good (... and) the most Christmas spirit of the books I've read. Johnsen writes with credibility of a reality that many readers will recognise. Here is sledding, mulled wine, Christmas presents, saffron rolls, and advent calendars. (...) Johnsen guards the mystery well and knows exactly when to reveal the different plot details. The story alters between the warm and cozy, to the more serious topics. The characters are believable, and the dialogue is alive and good.»


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Reviews Julebrev

«Har alle elementene til en god feelgood (…) har aller mest julestemning av bøkene jeg har lest. Johnsen skriver troverdig fra en virkelighet mange lesere vil kunne kjenne seg igjen i. Her er det aking i Korketrekkeren, julegløgg, julegaver, lussekatter og adventskalender. Julebrev er også den minst forutsigbare boken av de fire jeg har vurdert. Johnsen holder godt på mystikken og vet akkurat når hun skal avsløre plottets ulike detaljer. Historien veksler mellom det lune og koselige, til mer alvorlige tema. Karakterene er troverdige, og dialogen er levende og god.»

Elin Brend Bjørhei, VG

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Author Kjersti Herland Johnsen

Kjersti Herland Johnsen has a degree in History from the University of Bergen and has worked in the Norwegian publishing industry since 1998. She lives in Oslo with her family. Christmas at the Glitter Peak Lodge is her second novel.

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