Ylva Saves the Ski Trip
Leseløve / Janne Aasebø Johnsen
Norwegian title: | Kamuflasje |
Author: | Janne Aasebø Johnsen |
Binding: | Innbundet |
Year: | 2015 |
Pages: | 204 |
Publisher: | Cappelen Damm |
Språk: | Bokmål |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788202488253 |
Kategori: | Children's Books |
Age: | 14 - 18 |
A roadside bomb has exploded close to a Norwegian camp in Afghanistan. The media reports are unclear. The armed forces are playing their cards close to their chests. At home in Norway, Renate asks herself whether her father may have been killed.
Janne Aasebø Johnsen has written a strong nail-biter of a story about the war waging in the mind of soldiers’ relatives. A story about a turbulent childhood and worries that a young woman would have liked to have shared with her Dad – if only he were there. A story about those who go to war and take their entire families with them.
Janne Aasebø Johnsen has first-hand knowledge of the situation in which she places her protagonist and writes with rare insight and authority about a little-discussed topic.
‘Our autumn book is a novel which is just as relevant and readable for parents as for children and young people. … The language in Camouflage is pointed and direct. … Janne Aasebø Johnsen demonstrates her insight into the emotional lives of young people and how they meet and tackle life’s challenges. The dramatic development is skilful and cohesive. She does not write in black and white, but brings out nuances and dilemmas. A good and important book.
Leseløve / Janne Aasebø Johnsen
Løveunge / Janne Aasebø Johnsen
Løveunge / Janne Aasebø Johnsen
[...] Høstens bok er en roman som like gjerne kan leses av foreldre som av barn og ungdom. [...] Velskrevet er den. Forfatteren og barneskolelæreren viser at hun blir en stadig bedre prosaist. I «Kamuflasje» er språket poengtert og direkte.[...] Forfatteren viser innsikt i unge menneskers følelsesliv, og hvordan de møter og takler livets utfordringer. De dramaturgiske grepene er gjennomtenkte. Hun skildrer ikke i svart/hvitt, men får fram nyanser og dilemmaer. Ei god og viktig bok.
Per Ivar Henriksbø, Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen