Dear Brother, Little Sister (Innbundet)


Sophia Saenger

Norwegian title: Kjære bror, lille søster
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2023
Pages: 272
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Kjære bror, lille søster
ISBN/EAN: 9788202781224
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Kjære bror, lille søster

Lucie and Kristoffer have grown up together, but they are not biological siblings. They were both foster children in an extremely religious home and have always had a special relationship. On summer holiday with two friends and Kristoffer’s girlfriend Amanda a worrying situation unfolds. Flashbacks to their teenage years tell the story of how an “illegal” sexual tension builds up between Lucia and Kristoffer, and in the present Kristoffer wobbles between his foster sister and his girlfriend. He resists it but is nonetheless pulled to Lucie again and again, she seems to have a magnetic power over him.

Is the relationship between the foster siblings natural, or is it in fact problematic in the way their surroundings seem to signalise? Is it mostly harmful because those around them say it is?

This is an uncomfortable novel propelled forward by a strong drive and a sharp look at taboo relationships.

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More books by Sophia Saenger:

Reviews Kjære bror, lille søster

Store kjensler på småbruket 05.05.2023

«... eit intenst, fengslande drama om sjeleliv og solbærsyltetøy»

«I tillegg til å vere ei gripande og opprørande bok er ho òg ein pageturner.»

«Det er som om ho spenner opp eit lerret og målar språket på.»

«´Kjære bror, lille søster´ er Sophia Saengers andre roman, men her er lite litterære barnesjukdomar eller ungdomssynder å finne. Språket er korthogd og finslipt (...).»

Ingvild Bræin, Dag og Tid

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Author Sophia Saenger

Sophia Saenger (b. 1989) grew up in Oslo and now lives in Drammen. She has a master’s degree in history of religions from the University of Oslo. She debuted in 2022 with the novel Nothing Here Belongs to Me.

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