Celebrity Crush (Innbundet)

Series: Kjendiskjæreste 1


Kirsti Kristoffersen

Norwegian title: Kjendiscrush
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2022
Pages: 192
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Series: Kjendiskjæreste
Serienummer: 1
ISBN/EAN: 9788202693053
Kategori: Children's Books
Age: 10 - 15
Overview Kjendiscrush

What if your crush suddenly became the most famous person in the country?

Celebrity Crush is the first book in a trilogy by Kirsti Kristoffersen, who probably knows more about fan culture that almost anyone else in Norway.

Hanging out with Grandma at a remote campground was not exactly how Karoline had pictured spending her summer vacation, but here she is. On Instagram everyone else is obviously having a way better summer than her – including her increasingly distant best friend. But then she meets Mathias. Mathias is cute, funny and kind – and Karoline falls hard. Everything is perfect, but there’s something a bit odd about Mathias. What is he hiding?
The scene is set for love, drama and a shock. First love, first kiss, and a campground.

Hurray for teen love! - *****
Co-reviewer Molly Nagel [12 years old] is in the target audience and sped through the book in record time. And was delighted. 'I can’t wait to read the next two books. I give it a five out of six stars!'

Celebrity crush is a feelgood holiday read for teenagers. […] The novel evokes the feeling that ‘anything’ can happen on summer holiday, regardless of where you are. Kristoffersen puts into words what many experience at that age, to not know whether the friendship will survive growth and development. The book engages me and makes me almost – almost – nostalgic about that first all-consuming love.

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More books by Kirsti Kristoffersen:

Reviews Kjendiscrush

Slukebok for romantisk anlagt ungdom

«... engasjerende om venner, camping, forelskelse og fankultur. .. Kjendiscrush er feelgood-ferielektyre for ungdom. Selv om boka tar plass på en traust campingplass, er det bakt inn et hint av glamour. Boken maner frem en følelse av at «alt» kan skje på ferie, uavhengig av hvor du er. Kristoffersen slår et slag for norgesferie, og Hersjøen camping er inspirert av hennes egne sommerminner fra barndommen. Med komplikasjoner og utfordringer er handlingen en klassisk ferieromanse.
... Boka engasjerer meg og gjør meg nesten – nesten – nostalgisk for den første altoppslukende forelskelsen.»

Maren Dahl Keller, Periskop.no

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Author Kirsti Kristoffersen

Kirsti Kristoffersen is one of Norway’s leading fan culture experts. She has worked in management for various names including child stars Markus and Martinus. She has also written two books about the artists. She now works as a publicist at Gyldendal.

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