The Crocodile Thief (Innbundet)


Taran L. Bjørnstad

Norwegian title: Krokodilletyven
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2014
Pages: 136
Illustrator: Grav, Christoffer
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202426835
Age: 5 - 9
Overview Krokodilletyven

Odd isn't particularly brave. In fact, he's really rather afraid. Of dogs, for example, and of teenagers. He's terrible at football and is always picked last during gym class. Worst of all, he cries so easily, especially when the others tease him. And they do, at every opportunity.

But one day the class take a trip to the aquarium where Odd meets Rolf Lange, head of the reptile department. Rolf has tattoos and a pierced ear. He handles snakes and crocodiles as if they were cuddly toys.

Rolf probably isn't afraid of anything, Odd thinks , and is struck with an idea: he has to become tough, and what he really needs is a crocodile...


‘Funny story about the need for a crocodile(…) The Crocodile Thief is about doing something crazy when you really just need a friend. The book combines everyday life, facts about reptiles and drama in a charming way, and fortunately ends well for both Odd and the crocodile.’

‘Although The Crocodile Thief follows a well-known recipe, it manages – by using humour, suspense and funny references to reality in both the text and illustrations – to be an original story which is very much worth reading […] The book is at its best when Odd finally starts implementing his plan. Vivid depictions of crazy situations – like imagining having to hide a wild crocodile in his room – make The Crocodile Thief both exciting and dramatic. The text is full of great metaphors […] The linguistic playfulness goes well with Christoffer Grav’s illustrations. The metaphors are made concrete in the illustrations, and this serves to emphasise Odd’s emotions. This is a successful idea which is also used to illustrate Odd’s experience of the situations. The difference between reality and fantasy is shown clearly […] Grav’s illustrations are an integral and – yes! – completely necessary part of the story.’

‘Bjørnstad has triumphed in the art of writing. This wild story becomes realistic and logical when seen from Odd’s point of view, and therefore even funnier. Development and details are finely-balanced. We cheer for what is hopeless and understand the themes behind the story. Christoffer Grav’s illustrations are stylish and inventive, and the entirety is a wonderful book.’

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Reviews Krokodilletyven

Hvem stjeler en krokodille?

"Morsom historie om behovet for en krokodille(...)«Krokodilletyven» handler om å gjøre noe galt, når man egentlig bare trenger en venn. Boka kombinerer på sjarmerende vis hverdagsliv, reptilfakta og dramatikk, og ender lykkeligvis godt - både for Odd og krokodillen."

Maya Troberg Djuve, Dagbladet

Taperens tøffe hemmelighet

"til tross for at Krokodilletyven følger en velkjent oppskrift, lykkes den – ved hjelp av humor, spenning og morsomme referanser til virkeligheten i både tekst og bilde – i å være en original og lesverdig fortelling [...] Boka er best når Odd endelig går i gang med å gjennomføre planen sin. Levende skildringer av vanvittige situasjoner – som følelsen av å skulle skjule en vill krokodille på rommet sitt – gjør Krokodilletyven både spennende og dramatisk. Teksten er rik på gode språklige bilder [...] Den språklige lekenheten spiller fint sammen med Christoffer Gravs illustrasjoner. De språklige bildene konkretiseres i illustrasjonene, og slik understrekes Odds følelsesliv. Dette er et vellykket grep som også benyttes for å vise Odds opplevelse av situasjonene. Skillet mellom virkelighet og fantasi kommer tydelig fram [...] Gravs illustrasjoner er en integrert og – ja! – helt nødvendig del av historien."

Hilde Dybvik,

Glefsende god

"Bjørnstad har truffet godt med skrivekunsten. Den ville historien er realistisk og logisk sett fra Odds ståsted, og blir derfor ekstra morsom. Fremdrift og detaljer er fint balansert. Vi heier på den håpløse, og får med oss temaene som ligger under handlingen. Christoffer Grav illustrerer stilig og oppfinnsomt, slik at helheten blir en herlig bok."

Mette Hofsødegård, Aftenposten

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Author Taran L. Bjørnstad

Taran Lysne Bjørnstad (1966–) has studied Media and Communication in London and Oslo, and has a degree with the University of Oslo. She has worked as a media analyst and researcher, with a special focus on children and youth. Bjørnstad has previously published several books for children and young adults, among them, Salto and Flaut.

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Foreign rights
Republic Of Korea

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