
Series: Erlend Loes jubileumsserie 


Erlend Loe

Norwegian title: L
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2013
Pages: 320
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: L
Series: Erlend Loes jubileumsserie
ISBN/EAN: 9788202426385
Overview L

I see the human life here on earth as an endless piece of Group Work. The task, crafted at the beginning of time, is as follows: Discuss what you see around you. Find out how you in the best possible way can organize yourself in order to make use of nature. Describe, in your own words, what it is to be a person. Find out how everything is connected, and why you are here. Take your time.

In the 90´s Erlend Loe brought a group of his best friends to an island in the Pacific. The result of the expedition was "L", an adventurous novel about a project that is doomed to fail, about a generation that finds it self in a totally different place than the previous generations, that created myths and real men. "L" is a novel about the young men of our time, and a celebration of humour and community.

"Erlend Loe is a well known supernaïvist, a master of the subtle in a class of his own. As a existential humourist and satirist he is incomparable."

"Fans, that know Loes books well, will laugh their pants off, and find leads pointing to other parts of his writing. First-timers will run to the bookshop to buy more books by Loe after finishing this one."

"Erlend Loes copy and satire of Thor Heyerdahls great deeds in the Pacific is witty and wide-ranging (...) This witty, wonderful, wide novel is disguised as a expedition report with photos, maps and the whole shebang!"

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More books by Erlend Loe:

Reviews L

”Aficionados vil vride sig af grin og finde spor, der peger både den ene og den anden vej i forfatterskabet. Nykommere vil styrte i boghandlen efter andre Loe-bøger, når denne er læst.”

Per Krogh Hansen, Berlingske Tidende

“Spriket mellom dei store migrasjonsteoriane og dei puslete resultata av ekspedisjonen fører til mykje god komikk av det slaget Erlend Loe har levert i dei tidlegare bøkene sine… Men midt i all komikken er det heile ganske så trist. Romanfiguren Loe og co veit at skøyeteorien er berre eit påfunn. Dei må heile tida fylle ekspedisjonen med den meininga teorien manglar, og det er ei tung bør når tobakken tek slutt og myggen bit dag og natt.”

Marta Norheim, P2

"Ingen har som Loe maktet å ta pulsen på barna av «dessertgenerasjonen» som var så utakknemlig at den kastet desserten i hodet på sine foreldre... Det er ingen tilfeldighet at Loe er blitt en kultforfatter som leses av mange yngre som ellers ikke kunne drømme om å kaste vekk tida på ei bok. I bøkene hans kan de nemlig speile seg selv. Og som slike speil er de meget dyktig konstruert… Det er det som gjør boka til noe mer enn litterært lurendreieri og en selvdiggende litterær egotripp, og som gjør at jeg likevel ender med å le, le med Loe, le en galgenhumoristisk latter, fordi det stikker noe annet og alvorligere under det innforståtte, noe man ikke riktig vet hvordan man skal hanskes med, og som man derfor like gjerne kan le av.”

Øystein Rottem, Dagbladet

"Erlend Loes efterligning og punktering af Thor Heyerdahls stordåd på Stillehavet er et vittigt og vidtløftigt verdensbillede og kolonisering i istiden (...) denne vittige, vidunderlige, vidtløftige roman, forklædt som ekspeditionsrapport med reportagefotos, land- og vandkort og hele svineriet."

Søren Vinterberg, Politiken

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Author Erlend Loe

Erlend Loe is one of the most beloved and popular authors in Norway. He was born in 1969 in Trondheim, Norway, and studied folklore, film studies and literature at university. He made his debut with the novel Frankly, my dear (Tatt av kvinnen) in 1993, for which he received raving reviews. In 1996 came Naiv. Super, his big break through in Norway and internationally. It has been called the novel of his generation. His novel Doppler, which came out in 2004, has been critically acclaimed for it's depiction of the modern man, and The Guardian named it 'Book of the Year'. He is a productive author, and writes books both for adults and children. His books about Kurt have been a huge success, and have also been turned into an animated film. The books have been published in thirty-nine countries so far.

He lives in Oslo and enjoys biking.

  • 1996 Ministry of Cultural Affairs Prize for Den store røde hunden (The Big Red Dog), children's picture book, Illustrated by Kim Hiorthøy.
  • 1997 The Cappelen Award
  • 1998 The Critics Prize for Kurt Quo Vadis?, illustrated children’s novel, children’s book.
  • 1999 The Bookseller Award for L (L).
  • 2006 The French Prix Européen des Jeunes Lecteurs for Naiv.Super. (Naïve.Super.).
  • 2006 The French Tam-tam Prize for Fisken (The Fish), children’s book.
  • 2010 De Grote Jongerenliteratuur Prijs (the Netherlands) for Muleum (Muleum)
  • 2013 The Aschehoug Award
  • 2016 the Liv Ullman Prize
  • 2022 BolognaRagazzi Award - COMICS Early Reader - for Hvem rumpet brunosten? (Who buttocked the brown cheese?)

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