Football Shoes (Innbundet)

Series: Løveunge 


Brynjulf Jung Tjønn

Norwegian title: Løveunge - Fotballskoene
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2012
Pages: 48
Illustrator: Aisato, Lisa
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Fotballskoene
Series: Løveunge
ISBN/EAN: 9788202358617
Age: 4 - 7
Overview Løveunge - Fotballskoene

Sigurd can't wait for the tournament! He is hoping to be picked as striker today. But then Sigurd realises that he has forgotten to bring his football shoes, and so his best friend Helge is striker instead. It is no fun at all to watch the tournament from the bench, he thinks, no matter how exciting the competition is. But then Helge is injured!

Fotballskoene is a charming and familiar little book about football, competition and friendship.

'This book is written in capitals and it meant I knew the letters and could read some of the words. It was great. It’s fine for everyone who likes football and especially for children who are learning to read. I liked the pictures in the book, too, especially the ones with the coach.'
Jakob (6), Foreldre & Barn

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Reviews Løveunge - Fotballskoene

"Boka er skrevet med blokkbokstaver, og det gjorde at jeg kjente igjen bokstavene og klarte å lese noen av ordene. Det var gøy. Den passer for alle som liker fotball, og særlig for barn som lærer å lese. Jeg likte også bildene i boka, særlig av treneren."

Jakob Borge Sandbakk (6), Foreldre & Barn, Juniortipset

"(...) fin og gjenkjennende om fotball, vennskap og konkurranse."

Fred Uno Ljosland Huvenes, Absolutt KRS

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Author Brynjulf Jung Tjønn

Lisa Aisato (1981–) is an author and artist, but also one of Norway's foremost illustrators. She has illustrated and written a number of books for children.

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