Jesper the Cat and the Fox (Innbundet)

Series: Min første leseløve 


Hanne Kristin Rohde og Aina Stormo

Norwegian title: Min første leseløve - Jesperpus og reven
Author: og
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2018
Pages: 72
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Jesperpus og reven
Series: Min første leseløve
ISBN/EAN: 9788202595890
Age: 6 - 8
Overview Min første leseløve - Jesperpus og reven

One day, Aina discovers that Jesper the cat has disappeared without a trace! She checks his GPS and sees that Jesper has wandered far away from home, and when she sets out to look for him, she realizes that the fox has also gotten wind of the cat … A dramatic easyread for new readers about Jesper the Cat.

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More books by Hanne Kristin Rohde og Aina Stormo:

  • Jesperpuss

    Aina Stormo og Katia Gjerding Wiegand

Author Hanne Kristin Rohde

Alna Stormo (1972–) lives on a farm in Løten in Hedmark. She has long experience of domestic animals and pets and is very active in animal protection. She is Jesperpus's housekeeper and secretary.

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