Otto Monster’s Beach Chaos (Innbundet)

Series: Min første leseløve 


Jon Ewo

Norwegian title: Min første leseløve - Otto Monsters strandkaos
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2015
Pages: 56
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Otto Monsters strandkaos
Series: Min første leseløve
ISBN/EAN: 9788202476977
Age: 5 - 7
Overview Min første leseløve - Otto Monsters strandkaos

Otto is not sure whether he can withstand the summer sun. The Møkk family will have to go to the beach to cool off. But this is not without its complications. Papa Møkk has taken a shine to blue shark Ståle. His new favourite family member. But Ståle is a bit of a handful and destroys everything. Can they get rid of this bothersome bully?

Ewo provides a funny and easily recognisable slant on family life.

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Reviews Min første leseløve - Otto Monsters strandkaos

"Til sammenligning [med Ewos faktabok 1814] er den nye Otto Monsters strandkaos en leken bagatell full av groteske overdrivelser. Stemningen er viktigere enn handlingen. Men innenfor monsterskinnet er det lett å se at Otto også er en vanlig gutt som sliter med at ingen forstår ham. Særlig er den selvopptatte faren en kilde til både komikk og ubehag."

Morten Haugen, Aftenposten

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Author Jon Ewo

Jon Ewo (1957–) has worked as a consultant, editor, writer, author and publisher. His first book for young adults was published in 1992. He has also written children’s books and crime fiction. All of his books are filled with a generous dose of humor.

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