Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg
Norwegian title: | Min hagekalender |
Norwegian subtitle: | Hva du bør gjøre i hagen, måned for måned |
Author: | Tommy Tønsberg |
Binding: | Innbundet |
Year: | 2017 |
Pages: | 144 |
Publisher: | Cappelen Damm |
Språk: | Bokmål |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788202534653 |
When should I sow seeds and when should I prune trees and hedges? Min hagekalender gives you an overview of what should be done in your garden from month to month, and when you should do it. Among other things, it helps you remember when you should sow, plant, prune, fertilize, lime, weed, graft, pick and harvest. The book also reminds you when the birds need extra feeding in the winter, and when it's an especially nice time to enjoy your garden.
In addition to practical advice, tips and ideas about gardening, there are also pages dedicated to taking notes, checklists and sketches. By using these pages diligently, you can collect valuable information and experiences from your own garden that you can enjoy for years to come.
Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg
blomster • grønnsaker • potteplanter • busker
Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg
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Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg