PERENNIALS (Innbundet)



Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg

Norwegian title: Stauder – hvilken plante hvor
Author: og
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2019
Pages: 216
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202579449
Overview Stauder – hvilken plante hvor

Which plants and where

Do you want easy-to-care-for and beautiful perennial beds?
In this book, you'll find information about groundwork, care, propagation, color choices and leaf combinations and about which plants are suitable in different environments.
The book has a separate overview of 101 perennials with pictures and text. With this book, you can build easy-to-care-for perennial beds that will delight you with flowers or decorative foliage throughout the whole season, year after year.

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More books by Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg:

  • Breeding Plants

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    Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg

  • Pruning Your Garden

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    Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg

Author Kenneth Ingebretsen

Tommy Tønsberg's (1980–) interest in gardening was already evident at an early age: as a schoolboy he often spent his entire allowance at the nursery. Today he tends a small but lush garden on the outskirts of Oslo, and is the editor of Norsk Hagetidend, the magazine for members of the Gardeners’ Association. He is also a popular guest speaker.

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