Right to Privacy (Innbundet)


Selma Lønning Aarø

Norwegian title: Privatlivets fred
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 346
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202721213
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Privatlivets fred

An author wakes up in hospital. Something dramatic has happened – she just can’t quite remember what. What she can recall, however, is what happened before.

When the author moves to Fredrikstad from Oslo with her family, she finds new friends, a new life and what she hopes will be the starting-point for a new novel. Her new girlfriend X has given her permission to write whatever she wants about what they describe as a major issue that has marked X’s life. It looks set to be the author’s best novel ever, but X gradually becomes increasingly unstable and intimidating, and the author realises that her entire writing project is in jeopardy. The same goes for her artistic freedom, her finances, her relationship to her publisher and colleagues – not to mention the relationships in her own family. What can an author allow herself, and who really owns a story?

Selma Lønning Aarø’s new novel is funny, sometimes frightening and unusually topical. A continuation of a strong feminist tradition, it also comments on the debate about reality literature.

Funny and sharp-witted

“Selma Lønning Aarø explores the dilemmas of autofiction – and with a brand new twist. … What is the ethical responsibility of an author? [Her] new novel, Right to Privacy, goes straight to the heart of this problem in a way that is both funny and thought-provoking. (…) You come home with her, and would rather not leave. (…) she is both very funny and knowledgeable.”


“Elegantly done (…) Selma Lønning Aarø writes with levity and humour, with lots of funny and sharp turns of phrase, observations, conclusions. (…) And there is it again, the question of what is real – and “real”. Selma Lønning Aarø doesn’t offer a solution. That’s the point. But a fun and quite original twist on the problem raised, is something that is definitely offered in Right to Privacy.”


Satirical and astute

“With Right to Privacy, Selma Lønning Aarø invites us to think critically about the use of real-life models in literature, and she offers several interesting reflections about the nature of truth and who gets to tell their story.”


“It’s a smooth-flowing, well-oiled text, written without ornaments, tight-reined … Lønning Aarø writes hilariously about being perceived as getting on in years, about supposedly belonging to a time gone by.”


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...en roman som stiller viktige spørsmål på litteraturens vegne,...
Christen Hvam, Fredrikstad blad

More books by Selma Lønning Aarø:

Reviews Privatlivets fred

Høstens morsomste roman 27.11.2021

«... en hittil skjult perle i bokhøsten 2021.»

Ole Jacob Hoel, Adresseavisa

Morsomt og skarpsindig 11.09.2021

«Selma Lønning Aarø utforsker virkelighetslitteraturens dilemmaer – og det med en helt ny vri.»
«Hva er forfatterens etiske ansvar? Selma Lønning Aarøs nye roman, Privatlivet fred, går rett inn i denne problemstillingen på en måte som både er morsom og til ettertanke. [...] Man blir med henne hjem og vil helst ikke gå igjen. [...] For hun er både svært morsom og kunnskapsrik.»

Henning Howlid Wærp, Aftenposten

«Elegant gjort, når temaet er nettopp virkelighet - eller 'virkelighet'.»

«Selma Lønning Aarø skriver lett og morsomt, med mange festlige og skarpe formuleringer, observasjoner, oppsummeringer. [...] Se der var spørsmålet igjen, om hva som er sant – og 'sant'. Selma Lønning Aarø tilbyr ingen fasit. Det er jo hele poenget. Men en artig, ganske original, vri på problemstillingen er Privatlivets fred definitivt.»

Gerd Elin Stava Sandve, Dagsavisen

Satirisk og snedig 27.08.2021

«Med Privatlivets fred inviterer Selma Lønning Aarø oss til å tenke kritisk rundt bruken av levende modeller i litteraturen, og hun byr på flere interessante refleksjoner om hva sannhet er og hvem som får fortelle sin historie.»

Ellen Sofie Lauritzen, Dagens Næringsliv

«Det er en finflytende, velsmurt tekst, skrevet uten strøssel og med stramme tøyler. [...] humoren stikker hoven fram, ikke for å hovere, men ironisere over tingenes tilstand. Lønning Aarø skriver hylende morsomt om å bli oppfattet som tilårskommen, om det å angivelig tilhøre en svunnen tid.»

«[...] en språkbotanikk som både brenner og blomstrer.»

Christen Hvam, Fredrikstad Blad

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Author Selma Lønning Aarø
Selma Lønning Aarø (1972–) originates from Stord on the west coast of Norway. Her debut was the novel The Final Story (Den endelige fortellingen) in 1995, a novel that she won the Cappelen Damm Prize for best debut for.

Selma Lønning Aarø has since written a number books within different genres, both adult and childrens fiction. She has been the editor of SIGNALER, Cappelen Damms anthology of new writing, together with Nils-Øyvind Haagensen, and for years she was a columnist in newspapers like Dagbladet and Klassekampen, well known for her self ironic and dark sense of humour.

Her big breakthrough in Norway came with the novel Do you want another ride? (Vil ni åka mera?) in 2003, a novel that brought her a nomination for the Brage Prize. Her novel I´m coming (Jeg kommer snart) (2013) has been published in Spain, Canada, Germany and Turkey.

Her latest novel is Her Lying Face (Hennes løgnaktige ytre, 2016), where she explores the life of writer Anna Munch and her troublesome obsession for Knut Hamsun.

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