Cheeky Monkeys and Little Angels (Innbundet)

Bringing up children without a manual


Stein Erik Ulvund

Norwegian title: Rakkerunger og englebarn
Norwegian subtitle: Oppdragelse uten fasit
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2014
Pages: 160
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202432133
Kategori: Self Help
Overview Rakkerunger og englebarn

Many people like to think there is a definitive way of bringing up children, but there is not.

This book is about children's different temperaments and how you can use this knowledge in your parenting.

A child's temperament has a great influence on how it is brought up. An outgoing child will be met with negative reactions, and thus starts the vicious circle. An accommodating child will be met with positive reactions and do well. In this sense children contribute to their own development, but it is the parents who are chiefly responsible for how their lives are.

Temperament is significant for how you relate to a child who will not sleep or eat, how you tackle cleanliness and what to do if Your child does not have friends. A means of doing this with multiple children is also illuminated.

The point is that there is not one way of approaching children, you need to adapt your parenting for your child! This book is based on the very latest research.

The triumph of temperament
‘This is a successful “do-it-yourself” book with a lot of thought-provoking advice for parents who feel that they don’t particularly understand their child.’

‘This is an easily read and accessible textbook with interesting and useful material for both professionals and parents.’

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Reviews Rakkerunger og englebarn

Interessant og nyttig

"Dette er en lettlest og lett tilgjengelig fagbok som både fagfolk og foreldre kan finne mye interessant og nyttig stoff i."

Kirsten Flaten, Utdanning

Temperamentets triumf

"Dette er ei vellukka «gjer det sjølv»-bok, med masse tankevekkande råd til foreldre som føler dei ikkje skjønar barnet sitt særleg godt."

Lars Nyre, Forskerforum

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