Samira and the Skeletons (Innbundet)


Camilla Kuhn

Norwegian title: Samira og skjelettene
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2014
Pages: 40
Illustrator: Kuhn, Camilla
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Samira og skjelettene
ISBN/EAN: 9788202419684
Age: 3 - 6
Overview Samira og skjelettene

Samira strongly protests when her teacher tells her that everybody has a skeleton inside them. 'Not me!' Samira declares. And not her best friend Frida, either.

The rest of the day is horrible. To think that Samira and everyone around her is walking around with a skeleton inside them! It doesn’t bear thinking about. Luckily Mummy has some advice. She lays Samira down on the kitchen table and fetches a bucket and some tools. Surely Samira is happy now?

A playful, witty and ever-so-slightly scary picture book from Camilla Kuhn.

“Kuhn has a wonderful perception of the people she draws [...] Kuhn is familiar with the art of making things bigger, presenting exaggerated close-ups and shamelessly cutting images. The result is funny illustrations where the teacher is no more than a pair of legs, only to appear on the next page as a cruel monster that won’t stop lecturing about the wonders of the human skeleton. Kuhn’s illustrations and text almost seem to follow a child’s imaginative thought process – they are unregulated and whimsical. A book which is both warm and enthralling.”

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More books by Camilla Kuhn:

Reviews Samira og skjelettene

"Camilla Kuhn har skrevet, og illustrert, en bildebok med masse humor, som også er bittelitt skummel. Boken passer godt for barn opptil 10 år, og fungere også godt som høytlesing."

Barnebibliotekar Anne, Kragerø Blad Vestmar

"Herlig humoristisk bildebok."

Drammensbiblioteket anbefaler, Byavisa Drammen

"Kuhn har et herlig blikk på menneskene hun tegner [...] Kuhn kan kunsten med å forstørre opp, kjøre overdrevne nærbilder og uten blygsel kutte billedflaten. Resultatet er morsomme bilder der frøken er redusert til et par bukseben, for i neste bilde å fremstå som et slemt monster som ikke blir ferdig med å forelese om skjelettets fortreffelighet. Kuhns tegninger og tekst følger nærmest et barns fantasifulle tankegang; fullt frislipp på ulike innfall. En bok med boblende engasjement og temperatur."

Gunhild Eia Ryvarden, Numer

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Author Camilla Kuhn

Camilla Kuhn (1975–) debuted with the picture book Hvordan Greger Grinebiter havnet i bitter duell og alt nesten ble helt rosa in 2007. She has since created eight books for children.

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