Frankly, my dear (Heftet)

Series: Erlend Loes jubileumsserie 


Erlend Loe

Norwegian title: Tatt av kvinnen
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2013
Pages: 176
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Tatt av kvinnen
Series: Erlend Loes jubileumsserie
ISBN/EAN: 9788202425968
Overview Tatt av kvinnen

It was around then she started to come more frequently. At night, just before I was going to bed. She would sit down and talk. Always about how much she loved silence and how good it was being alone. The talk was never ending. I would sometimes fall asleep, just drift off for a moment. But she would not notice. I woke, every time with a little twitch, sometimes with a noise in my throat.
Frankly, my dear
is a humoristic story about powerlessness. It is a warning to all young men and women. You enjoy Loe's sarcasms and the young mans considerations about himself and his relationship to the woman. Erlend Loe made his literary debut with this novel at the age of 24 years old, and he received raving reviews for it.
"Erlend Loe is a wordsmith that elegantly stretches and underplays his characters amok-running inner monologues. With Loe the absurd is never threatening, it would rather seem to be a form of apolitical alienation process, a way to squeeze new acknowledgements out of well-known themes. While many of his colleagues will look themselves in the mirror, Loe holds up the Troll Mirror. His novels almost insist that prose is something other than reality."
From the Jury Statement, Aschehougprisen 2003
"Rarely, very rarely, do you read a novel that you know that you will remember. Usually it is only the classical works by the great masters of literature that will give you such a read. But we assure you: Erlend Loes Frankly, my dear will be remembered."
"This is penmanship. It is also comical art (...) the situations and characters so mercilessly put on display, the sentences so wizzy and freshly put together, that you have to laugh rather loudly while reading. (...) The cunning and equilibrant way that the book is written in lifts Frankly, my dear to a high literary level. The satire never stands in the way of the disturbing, the existentially serious - or the poetic."
"Frankly, my dear by Erlend Loe is the story about a cronic pushover, that deviously and distansed tell the story about his sad relationship to The Woman. It is a crazy funny book, but also something more. It is sort of also a barometer of our time."

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Reviews Tatt av kvinnen

”Ytterst, ytterst sjelden leser man en roman man vet man vil huske. Vanligvis er det bare de klassiske verker av litteraturens store mestere som gir en slik leseopplevelse. Men vi forsikrer: Erlend Loes Tatt av kvinnen vil bli husket.”

Erling Bø, VG

"Dette er skrivekunst. Det er også komisk kunst (...) situasjonene og typene er så nådeløst utlevert, og setningene satt så snurrig og friskt sammen, at man må le ganske høyt når man leser. (…) Den underfundige og ekvilibristiske måte boken er skrevet på, bidrar til å heve Tatt av kvinnen opp på et høyt litterært nivå. Satiren står aldri i veien for det urovekkende, det eksistensielt alvorlige - eller det poetiske.”

Erik Fosnes Hansen, Aftenposten

"Tatt av kvinnen av Erlend Loe er historien om en kronisk tøffelhelt, som forteller underfundig og distansert om sitt sørgelige forhold til Kvinnen. Det er en hylende morsom bok, men også noe mer, et slags tidsbarometer."

Terje Stemland, Aftenposten

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Author Erlend Loe

Erlend Loe is one of the most beloved and popular authors in Norway. He was born in 1969 in Trondheim, Norway, and studied folklore, film studies and literature at university. He made his debut with the novel Frankly, my dear (Tatt av kvinnen) in 1993, for which he received raving reviews. In 1996 came Naiv. Super, his big break through in Norway and internationally. It has been called the novel of his generation. His novel Doppler, which came out in 2004, has been critically acclaimed for it's depiction of the modern man, and The Guardian named it 'Book of the Year'. He is a productive author, and writes books both for adults and children. His books about Kurt have been a huge success, and have also been turned into an animated film. The books have been published in thirty-nine countries so far.

He lives in Oslo and enjoys biking.

  • 1996 Ministry of Cultural Affairs Prize for Den store røde hunden (The Big Red Dog), children's picture book, Illustrated by Kim Hiorthøy.
  • 1997 The Cappelen Award
  • 1998 The Critics Prize for Kurt Quo Vadis?, illustrated children’s novel, children’s book.
  • 1999 The Bookseller Award for L (L).
  • 2006 The French Prix Européen des Jeunes Lecteurs for Naiv.Super. (Naïve.Super.).
  • 2006 The French Tam-tam Prize for Fisken (The Fish), children’s book.
  • 2010 De Grote Jongerenliteratuur Prijs (the Netherlands) for Muleum (Muleum)
  • 2013 The Aschehoug Award
  • 2016 the Liv Ullman Prize
  • 2022 BolognaRagazzi Award - COMICS Early Reader - for Hvem rumpet brunosten? (Who buttocked the brown cheese?)

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