THE JOY OF BIRDS (Innbundet)



Anne Havåg Holter-Hovind

Norwegian title: Fuglefryd
Norwegian subtitle: hvordan skape kvitrende hager og balkonger
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2015
Pages: 280
Illustrator: Holter-Hovind, Anne Havåg
Publisher: Font Forlag
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788281693517
Overview Fuglefryd

How to get your gardens and balconies twittering

This book teaches you everything you need to know to ensure a happy life for the birds in your garden or on your balcony. You’ll get tips about the right plants, the best bird boxes and much more besides. The book is illustrated throughout with masses of beautiful photographs of birds in Norwegian settings.

Anne’s garden is teeming with songbirds that eat, drink, play, bathe, flirt and sleep. Her twittering garden guests are a source of great life and joy, and complete the garden with their colours, movements, sounds and personalities. They also combat pests and contribute to biological diversity.

Anne Havåg Holter-Hovind isn’t just a gardening enthusiast and bird lover. She is also an architect and the brains behind Norway’s biggest garden blog, Moseplassen. In this richly illustrated brook, she takes you right up close to the different birds and their idiosyncrasies, telling you in an inspiring way about the best ways to create a bird-friendly outdoor space. Her charming, instructive and beautiful book is this year’s perfect gift for bird lovers.

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Reviews Fuglefryd

«Til alle natur-, hage- og fugleelskarar: Her er ei fantastisk bok ... personleg (og inspirerande) frå første blad, vender seg til alle som er glad i hagen sin (stor eller liten), ja, om enn den vert avgrensa til ein altan- eller blomsterkasse. Med råd og vink, og framfor alt framragande bilete av fargerike og songglade småfuglar, åpnar ho opp for eit rikare ’heimeliv’.»

Harald Myklebust, Dagen

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Author Anne Havåg Holter-Hovind

Anne Havåg Holter-Hovind is an architect. She has been fond of flowers and gardens since she was a little girl and her passion for gardens has not diminished over the years. Now she is concerned with both flowers, garden plants and not least the animals and birds living there. She is concerned that the garden should be a place to relax and that it should not just be about gardening, but about gardening experiences!

Anne also runs Norway's most read garden blog – Moseplassen.

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Foreign rights

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