Out Stealing Readers (Heftet)

A Handbook on the Art of Storytelling


Henrik H. Langeland

Norwegian title: Ut og stjæle lesere
Norwegian subtitle: Håndbok i fortellekunst
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2022
Pages: 160
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202726614
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Ut og stjæle lesere

A new edition of Henrik H. Langeland’s handbook on how to write a novel is finally here! What makes a good story? What techniques do authors use to create such immersive narratives? Why is it that we find some stories boring, while others captivate us?

Langeland’s writing courses – as well as this book – are intended for anyone who loves writing. His handbook is full of helpful examples, and Langeland shows the reader how they can develop their own successful story, in an easy-to-understand and enthusiastic way.

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Reviews Ut og stjæle lesere

«Som kritiker rødmer jeg når jeg ser hvor selvsagt og hjemmevant Langeland beveger seg blant de litterære virkemidlene man selv snubler omkring i når man skal prøve å beskrive litterær kvalitet.»

Atle Christiansen, Aftenposten

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Author Henrik H. Langeland

Henrik H. Langeland is one of Norway's leading contemporary authors. Of particular note can be mentioned the novels Wonderboy, The Passion of Francis Meyer, The Prince and The World Champions. Langeland holds a Ph.D. in comparative literature on the works of Marcel Proust. He has formerly been the editor of the literary quarterly Vinduet and held several other engagements in Norwegian business- and public life.

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