We Welcome You (Heftet)


Eivind Hofstad Evjemo

Norwegian title: Velkommen til oss
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2015
Pages: 240
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202477806
Overview Velkommen til oss
How to grieve in the shadow of a national grief? In We Welcome You meet Arild and Sella, who each in their own way are coming to terms with having lost a son in a ferry accident. That was eight years ago, but after 22nd July 2011 their grief is reawakened.
This is a novel about the people on the fringes of the national catastrophe who are still drawn into its emotional undercurrent. It is also a love story about two people compelled to make the choices which keep them alive.

Evjemo’s writing is brilliant, unpretentious, precise and nuanced. He describes the space between people. The distance. The silent sorrow. The loneliness. The despair. And he has the unique ability to do this subtly, using props with which we are all familiar ... But he also writes about love, unity and a sense of belonging. It's real. It’s important. And it is penned by an author who would appear to be one of the best that Norwegian contemporary literature has to offer.’

‘Everything that was unclear or completely overlooked before is suddenly laid out. Details that you didn’t notice before suddenly become not only visible, but charged with meaning ... He has a unique way of looking at the everyday occurrences, practical details and past events that dominate our lives.’

Velkommen til oss doesn’t have any dramatic twists and turns, clichés or caricatures. This is an unassuming novel about loss and grief, and a novel which could easily be read more than once.’

‘One seldom encounters such accomplished writing. Every sentence vibrates with aesthetic delight and existential solemnity.’

‘Evjemo has made several successful attempts to counteract everyday triviality with compositional originality. He writes lyrical, thoughtful passages and allows his characters to enter a monastery or be part of a tragicomic amateur theatre production without giving into the temptation to make fun.’

‘The sorrow is well presented from a clever perspective, and there is not a line too many.’

‘I am a great admirer of Evjemo’s empathetic and cinematic bird’s-eye view and I hope that he goes on to write many more books.’

‘... a considerate and precautionary depiction of people burdened by sorrow, a sorrow that, if it does not completely paralyse them, will change the way in which they relate to each other and themselves. Based on the traumatic events of 22 July on Utøya and in the centre of Oslo, Hofstad Evjemo paints a gentle and sensitive picture of what the trauma that we all feel to varying degrees has done to a few individuals and families – those closest to the victims. He does this indirectly and with the greatest discretion.’

‘... Evjemo is careful with such opportunities, and the result is a sober text, cleverly written in pure style by an author who is able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and see things from their usually so inaccessible perspective, and he is successful in this without resorting to shortcuts, constructions or flirting with the reader.’

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More books by Eivind Hofstad Evjemo:

Reviews Velkommen til oss

Glimrende. Igjen

"Evjemo skriver gnistrende godt, ujålete, presist og nyansert. Han skildrer tomrommet mellom mennesker. Avstanden. Den stille sorgen. Ensomheten. Fortvilelsen. Og han har en helt egen evne til å gjøre dette uten store fakter, men ved hjelp av rekvisitter vi alle kjenner(...) Men også kjærlighet, samhold og følelsen av å høre til. Det er ekte. Det er vesentlig. Og det er ført i pennen av en forfatter som framstår som noe av det ypperste norsk samtidslitteratur har å by på."

Ørjan Greiff Johnsen, Adresseavisen

"Sorgen er godt sett, med et klokt blikk, og ikke en linje for mye"

Guri Hjulstad, Trønder-Avisa

"(...)en nennsom og vâr skildring av mennesker tynget av sorg, en sorg som, om den ikke fullstendig lammer dem, forandrer basisen og forholdet mellom dem og til seg selv. Med utgangpunkt i den traumatiske 22. juli på Utøya og i Oslo sentrum, skildrer Hofstad Evjemo her stillferdig og ømt hva det traumet vi alle på ymse vis er deltakere i, kan gjøre med noen få enkeltpersoner og familier, de nærmeste. Han gjør det ytterst diskret og indirekte."

Jan Askelund, Stavanger Aftenblad

Glitrende sorgprosa fra en av norsk samtidslitteraturs største talenter

"Det er sjelden man møter så god skrivekunst hvor nesten hver setning dirrer av estetisk nytelse og eksistensielt alvor."

Silje M. Stavrum Norevik, Bergens tidende

Lille land, store roman

"Når man stiller inn fokus på et manuelt kamera, kan det gå en liten iling gjennom fotografen akkurat idet alt i søkeren star i fokus. Det er den samme
følelsen man far av å lese romanene til Eivind Hofstad Evjemo. Alt som før var grøtete uklart eller helt oversett, står plutselig helt klart frem. Detaljer man aldri tidligere har lagt merke til, blir plutselig ikke bare synlige, men meningsladede.(...) et helt unikt blikk på veven av hverdagshendelser, praktiske detaljer og livshistorikk som dominerer våre liv."

Bjørn Gabrielsen, Dagens Næringsliv

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Author Eivind Hofstad Evjemo

Eivind Hofstad Evjemo (1983–) studied writing at Litterær Gestaltning in Gothenburg, Sweden. For his debut novel Wake me if I fall asleep (Vekk meg hvis jeg sovner) from 2009 he won the Tarjei Vesaas’ First Writers Award, the most prestigious Norwegian Debut Prize. For his second novel, The last You will see is a face of Love (Det siste du skal se er et ansikt av kjærlighet) from 2012 he recieved The Young Critics Prize, the UT-award and Writer of the year from Trøndelag County.
The novel Welcome to Us (Velkommen til oss) from 2014 received wonderful reviews.
Hofstad Evjemo is as well as a writer, also the editor of the yearly debut anthology SIGNALER.

In 2015 he was listed as one of the ten best norwegian authors under 35, by weekly newspaper Morgenbladet and Norsk Litteraturfestival.
Rights to his books have been sold to Denmark, France and Austria.

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Foreign rights