Winter Swimming (Innbundet)

Practical advice for you who want to swim when winter bites


Cecilie Thunem-Saanum

Norwegian title: Vinterbading
Norwegian subtitle: Praktiske råd for deg som vil bade når kulda biter
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 168
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Vinterbading
ISBN/EAN: 9788202717568
Kategori: Self Help
Overview Vinterbading

Why are more and more people choosing to submerge themselves in ice-cold water in midwinter? To don mittens and bobble hats and feel chunks of ice sloshing against their naked flesh?

The author, who’s in her eight year of year-round bathing, tells you what you need to know before, during and after winter bathing, and uses science and her own experience to answer questions like: Is it safe? Can anyone go for a dip when it is freezing cold? What happens inside your body?

In Winter Bathing, Cecilie Thunem-Saanum invites you to join her in the open channels between the ice when the temperatures are well below freezing and long after the frost has taken hold. In the water, an experience of profound peace, a clarified mind and great wellbeing await you. On land, an energy boost, a rush of joy and a sense of achievement is the award – along with a towel and dry clothes.

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Author Cecilie Thunem-Saanum

Cecilie Thunem-Saanum has held various management positions in the areas of marketing and business management in the travel and cultural sectors. Since 2004, she has worked as a course leader and lecturer, as well as a mentor and consultant on communication and time management. Her client list includes senior executives and taxi drivers, and both public and private sector organisations.

Thunem-Saanum is an experienced winter swimmer who has taken more than 400 icy dips since 2014. Regardless of her role, she always lives by the same principle: ‘Do more of what you believe in. Believe more in what you’re doing.’

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