
Jill Moursund

Norwegian title: Vulkanøya
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2014
Pages: 48
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202449728
Kategori: Children's Books
Age: 5 - 8
Overview Vulkanøya

Growing up isn’t easy. Especially when you get old enough to be away from your mum and dad. There’s a lot to gain and a lot to lose. And it’s kind of sad. This is what Lara discovers when she travels with her parents to a tropical island where they are working as volcanologists. While they climb the volcano to do their research, Lara has to stay put with her babysitter – an older, local woman who can’t speak a word of Norwegian. Lara sneaks out one night to find her parents, but loses her way. Luckily, a huge monster shows up who is also looking for his mother!

Jill Moursund has written and illustrated a wonderful story about growing up and the first tiny yet very difficult steps towards independence.

‘The illustrations are beautiful and clever, put together as a hand-painted collage and with colours that change from dark to light and delicate. I particularly like the atmospheric night pictures: the dark forest with the strange animals and starry sky that has exciting, almost luminous details.’

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Reviews Vulkanøya

"Illustrasjonene er vakre og underfundige, i en håndmalt collage-stil, og med farger som skifter fra de helt mørke, til de lyse, lette. Jeg liker aller mest de stemningsfulle nattebildene: den mørke skogen med de rare dyrene og stjernehimmelen, som har spennende, nesten selvlysende detaljer."

Kathrine Kalleklev, Magifabrikken.no

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Author Jill Moursund

Jill Moursund (1971–) is an illustrator with a graduate degree in visual communication from Oslo National Academy of the Arts. She has illustrated a lot of books.

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