We are thrilled to introduce you to Cappelen Damm's Reading Lions (Leseløver), the biggest brand of easy readers in Norway. The first book in the series came out in 1988, and more than 30 years later the Reading Lions have as natural a place in our children's school bags as the pencil case does.

The Reading Lion books are developed to aid children in the process of learning to read, with short sentences, large fonts and rich illustrations. There is great variety in the stories and content, as the series aims to awaken the reader’s interest - whether the book is about animal facts, love, football, suspense and monsters, nasty things, or even jokes and quizzes. When the content is engaging, it becomes so much easier to learn how to read!

The series is divided by age and literacy, but as each child is different, so is each book in the series. With over 100 books to choose from, you'll be sure to find exactly the Reading Lion you're looking for.

Browse the Reading Lions in our brand new catalogue!