Lotta Elstad is getting great international attention. Her novel I Refuse to Think has been sold to German publisher KiWi Verlag, and a two-book deal has now been made with French Publisher Marabout. May this be the next shining Norwegian literary star?

Lotta Elstad has been getting great attention this fall for her novel I Refuse to Think, with raving reviews and a nomination to the Young Critics Prize. The novel has been called "A Feministic Bills-eye" and "...one of this years most enjoyable reads" by the critics. With her fresh, hard striking and original style - as well as quality - this writer is really worth noting.

About I Refuse to Think:

I Refuse to Think has much of the same sharp and smart humour of her earlier books. We meet Hedda Møller after a traumatic plane landing and hazardous journey back to Oslo, though a Europe in crisis, on buses and trains, dirty hostel rooms and a one-night stand in Berlin that will just not stop sending messages in CAPS LOCK. Back home she discovers that she is unwantedly pregnant. That should be an easily solved problem.

It´s not.

I Refuse to Think is a dark, feministic contemporary comedy about politics, love – and an abyss that I getting dangerously closer.

A couple of the reviews:

Lotta Elstad has written a novel that is funny, even if it is political. Elstad writes with energy and good timing. The suspense lasts until the last chapter. 

Lotta Elstad creates observing and fresh comedy out of the unwanted pregnancy of a freelancer. There has not been a lot of room for the easy going in Norwegian contemporary literature. Lotta Elstad clears the space for this kind of writing. That is why it is so easy to let yourself be excited by her novels. 


Read more about Lotta Elstad and her books here.