The Brage Prize is the most prestigious of the Norwegian Literature Prizes, each year nominating four books in each of the four categories: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children´s Books and Open Category. 

We are proud to announce that we represent the following nominees this year. The winners will be announced November 26st.

In the category for Children´s Books:

Gulraiz Sharif - Listen up! 
This remarkable debut has made a great impression. The story about 15 year old Mahmoud and his summer vacation in the suburbs of Oslo is at the same time hilarious and deadly serious. Extraordinary reviews as well at being embraced by the readers, with a total print run of 10.000 books in less than two months, Listen up! has certainly been noticed.
So far sold to Denmark (Gyldendal). READ MORE HERE

Jenny Jordahl - What happened to you?
With her highly original style, Jenny Jordahl has had great international success with the book Women in BattleWhat Happened to You? is a powerful, brave and thought-provoking graphic novel about friendship, being an outsider and living with eating disorders. Newspaper Aftenposten has named the book one of this years most important publications. 
So far sold to South Korea (Sigongsa) and Italy (Edizioni Sonda Srl). READ MORE HERE

In the category for Fiction:

Vigdis Hjorth - Is Mother dead
Following up the great international success of Will and Testament, we are thrilled about this new novel from Vigdis Hjorth. Is Mother Dead is a riveting and immersive story about the most fundamental longings and disappointments of our lives. In her unmistakable voice, Vigdis Hjorth blends deep psychological insight and keen empathy with perspectives from art and literature. At the heart of this novel lies the question of what it means to come to terms with one’s past, when neither making amends nor letting go is an option.
So far sold to: Denmark (Turbine), Finland (Schildts & Söderströms), Greece (Potamos), Italy (Fazi Editore), UK/US (Verso Books) and Sweden (Natur & Kultur). READ MORE HERE

Beate Grimsrud - I Suggest We Wake Up
We where so sad to loose this remarkable author earlier this year. But her literature is very much alive, and her last ever novel is very well deserved nominated to the Brage Prize. I Suggest We Wake Up was is the grand finale of Beate Grimsrud's career, trembling with raw nerve and wild hopefulness, combined with the author's stubborn energy and distinct sense of humour. One of those truly remarkable reads that will always stay with you. 
So far sold to: Denmark (Batzer & co) and Sweden (Albert Bonniers förlag). READ MORE HERE

In the category for Non-Fiction:

Dag O. Hessen - The World at the Tipping Point
Super-bestselling non-fiction written by award-winning biology Professor and Author Dag O. Hessen, last nominated to the Nordic Council Environmental Prize. 

70 000 years ago, there existed a species, comprised of scattered populations of a few hundred individuals each, who generally lived peaceful lives in a corner of Africa. Today, that species consists of 9 billion individuals, and it has begun to fundamentally alter the planet. The species in question is us.

What we are doing to the earth, can be registered on a geological timeline showing hundreds of thousands of years. So extensive are the emissions of climate gases and the reduction in biodiversity that we caused, during only a brief moment in the long history of the earth.

SUBSTANTIAL SAMPLE TRANSLATION AND CHAPTER SYNOPSIS AVAILABLE. The Author has also written a new afterword for the book regarding the Covid-19 situation. READ MORE HERE