7 Days for Us (Innbundet)


Anja Hitz og Charlotte Glaser Munch

Norwegian title: 7 døgn for oss
Author: og
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2015
Pages: 224
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202489618
Kategori: Children's Books
Age: 14 - 18
Overview 7 døgn for oss

Three sixteen year old girls, three nationalities, three different temperaments – and a Swedish German Shepherd dog. Kat the Dane, Silje the Norwegian and Tessa the Swede meet at Camp Focus, a Scandinavian self-development camp for young girls. The camp takes place in Sweden the second week in July. They don't know each other and have nothing in common, but chance circumstances lead to them ending up after just twenty-four hours in a “borrowed” car with a “borrowed” dog on the way north through Sweden and finally to Norway and Lofoten.

They have not planned a route. The have to deal with ticks, almost killing an elk, avenging a nude picture of Silje on the internet, being sympathetic to each other and the dog, putting Tessa's mother in her place and finding Kat's father. But their most important experience is receiving the mutual support they have lacked, to be able to express themselves clearly and freely. In the course of the trip the three girls become a welded “us.”

Charlotte Glaser Munch and Anja Hitz have known each other for many years, but this is the first time they have come together in a shared book project. Hitz is Danish, living in Denmark, and Glaser is a Norwegian living in Sweden. They have used all imaginable means of communication to complete the book across national boundaries. This effort has succeeded and enhanced the flavour of the book.

'We find pace, tension, humour and the whole scale of teenage problems in the co-operative project between Norwegian Charlotte Glaser Munch and the Dane Anja Hitz. ... I am sure it will appeal to young readers.'

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Reviews 7 døgn for oss

Rørende og fartsfylt tenåringsroadtrip

"Vi finner høyt tempo, spenning, humor, og hele skalaen av tenåringsproblematikk i samarbeidsprosjektet mellom norske Charlotte Glaser Munch og danske Anja Hitz. [...] Jeg kan ikke skjønne annet enn at denne må falle i smak hos unge lesere."

Cathrine Krøger, Dagbladet

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Author Anja Hitz

Charlotte Glaser Munch (1972–) studied at the Writers’ Academy in Bø and has an MA in Comparative Literature, Film and Media Studies, and the History of Theatre.

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