Everyone Has a Backside (Innbundet)

Series: Lek og lær 6-9 år 


Anna Fiske

Norwegian title: Alle har en bakside
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2014
Pages: 88
Illustrator: Fiske, Anna
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Alle har en bakside
Series: Lek og lær 6-9 år
ISBN/EAN: 9788202434977
Age: 4 - 99
Overview Alle har en bakside

Did you know that everyone has his or her own body? And that each one of those bodies has a backside? Well, you'll definitely know that after reading this book. In addition to the fronts and backs of bodies, you can read about hair, skin, digestion, hygiene and much more.

Everybody has a Backside is a book packed with facts and surprises that provoke thought, speculation and raise awareness around the theme of the human body through skilful use of humour and intimacy.

‘Anna Fiske's illustrations are recognizable and solid with a strong and well-considered visual tone. Cheerful, colourful stick figures are presented on a white background without shading or complicated details. Despite this, Fiske manages to convey finely tuned emotional expression and nuance. … This may inspire young children to explore and talk about respect for their own and others' bodies as well as body sounds, shapes and colours.’

‘Anna Fiske hits the spot once more with the picture book Everybody has a Backside. … Everybody has a Backside is an incredibly rich book with a wealth of content that will contribute to both reflection and awareness. It is also very funny, not least due to Anna Fiske's illustrations. Here she is at her best.’
Hamar Arbeiderblade

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Reviews Alle har en bakside

Fine, rare kroppene

"Anna Fiskes illustrasjoner er gjenkjennelige og solide, med en sterk og gjennomtenkt visuell tone. På hvit bakgrunn fremstilles muntert fargelagte strekfigurer, uten skyggelegging eller kompliserende detaljer. Likevel klarer Fiske å formidle finstemte følelsesuttrykk og nyanser. [...] Kanskje kan småbarn generelt få inspirasjon til å utforske og snakke om respekt for egen og andres kropper, kroppens lyder, former og farger."

May Grethe Lerum, VG

"Anna Fiske har med bildeboka «Alle har en bakside» levert nok en fulltreffer. [...] «Alle har en bakside» er ei utrolig rikholdig bok med en mengde stoff som kan fungere både til ettertanke og bevisstgjøring. Dessuten er den kjempemorsom, ikke minst gjennom tegningene til Anna Fiske. Og her er hun på sitt beste."

Geir Vestad, Hamar Arbeiderblad

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Author Anna Fiske

Anna Fiske (b. 1964) is an award-winning author, illustrator, and cartoonist. She has written and illustrated close to 70 picture books, illustrated books and comic books. She's also illustrated a number of books for other authors. Fiske’s playful and distinctive style, both literary and pictorial, has earned her numerous awards and honours for her works. Several of her books have been published with great success in many countries.

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