Åsgårdstrand (Innbundet)


Stig Aasvik

Norwegian title: Åsgårdstrand
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2022
Pages: 320
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202742874
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Åsgårdstrand

Åsgårdstrand is a small town by the Oslofjord, but also a condition, an open wound in the life of the protagonist. In the late winter of 1989, his mother dies suddenly. The family falls apart. The protagonist is standing at the threshold of adulthood and feels abandoned and unprepared. Of all the thoughts going through his head, there is one that persists: disappear, from his family and from Åsgårdstrand, from everything.

The protagonist is a middle-aged man when he writes about the upheaval and loss he experienced as a teenager. We meet him going about his everyday life as a family man and author. The memories are fragmented, fragile and uncertain.

Åsgårdstrand is the fifth novel in a series that started with The Lofoten Wall (2017). The books can be read as standalone stories but have a consistent form, an inner coherence and a common thread.

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Reviews Åsgårdstrand

Ingen slipper fra det 24.05.2022

«... et sted å søke innsikt og opplevelse»

Jan Askelund, Stavanger Aftenblad

«Lun familielykke står i grell kontrast til det som er tekstens mørke hjerte, morens død av hjertestans da hun var 37 år og Aasvik selv fremdeles var i tenårene.»

Leif Bull, Dagens Næringsliv

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Author Stig Aasvik

Stig Aasvik (b. 1970) is a critically acclaimed author living in Oslo. He made his debut in 2002 with The Electrical Elephant. For his novel Internal Affairs (2012) Aasvik was awarded The Booksellers Scholarship for Authors, and it was nominated for Book of the Year in the publication Natt & Dag.

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